BF2 1.41 patch in the works...

i've been pretty content with 1.4... i wonder what issues they're gonna fix. maybe the people still whining about dolphin diving.
hey shlomo. what settings do you run on for bf2 and at what res? an in 64 man servers, what does your minimum fps go down to? thanks.
I'm betting the release notes for BF2 1.41 patch will look something like this.

All unlocks activated
End Of Support...........
Good news is that they haven't forgotten about bf2

Bad news is that, it will only make the game least fix the AT rockets going thro cars and shooting 2 rockets at once...
GJohn said:
Good news is that they haven't forgotten about bf2

Bad news is that, it will only make the game worser...

We all can hope that that isn't the case. But... EA doesn't have the best record when it comes to patches. Expect a 1.42 soon after 1.41. :(
My educated guess will leave us with a fix list like this:

Adjusted all guns and gameplay dynamics.
Ended ranking system to make room for BF2142.
Ending support for BF2.
Dethred said:
My educated guess will leave us with a fix list like this:

Adjusted all guns and gameplay dynamics.
IMO that might actually be a good thing.. The game was more fun & balanced before they started patching. Again, IMO.

Grenade launchers now nearly useless
Grenades too powerful, anyone with a support guy nearby can grenade spam spawns with ease. Pisses me off :mad:
CLAYMORES SUCK ASS. Sometimes they go off, sometimes they don't. Blast radius far too wide.
Dolphin diving support still a problem
saturnine2 said:
IMO that might actually be a good thing.. The game was more fun & balanced before they started patching. Again, IMO.

Grenade launchers now nearly useless
Grenades too powerful, anyone with a support guy nearby can grenade spam spawns with ease. Pisses me off :mad:
CLAYMORES SUCK ASS. Sometimes they go off, sometimes they don't. Blast radius far too wide.
Dolphin diving support still a problem
If they just fixed those things u mentioned I will be very happy... I used to like 64 ppl servers but the claymore spam took the fun out of it.
I'm still holding out for native widescreen support, even though I know it'll never happen. :mad:
I wonder if this means no more car drop hacks.
It's hilarious when you see a billion cars drop of the sky all over the enemy base. (I never hack but I still find this type funny).

If they could speed up the load times / make the game smoother, that would be great (but won't happen).