BF2 1.4 patch anyone?


Aug 19, 2001
anyone tried either A or B patch?

i've looked at the available changelog but it doesn't seem like there is more than 4 or 5 changes... And i've not tried the new map "Road to Jalawhatever"... is it good? Or is it a map for one of the EA money making expansion packs that I refuse to buy?

ya ok.... so I did buy SF.... the MP7 and L96A1 and F2000 are just too cool not to have... OH GAWD.... i've been caught in their trap. I WILL NOT BUY EURPEAN UNION OR ARMORED FURY!@!! YOU HEAR ME EA?!!!

Hahahaha, yeah i know what you mean. I haven't updated to the 1.4 since people are still playin around with it and it's not probably 100%. However I did hear that Armor Fury is pretty sweet. But I hate payin 10.00 every time they come out with an booster for it. It adds up and i'm sure their going to keep doin and charging for the boosters.
not to mention we ALL probably wont even look back at BF2 when BF2145 comes out... =/
I got the first expansion and Special forces, I said to myself I wasn't going to get it unless I started choseing alot of servers that had maps for it. I haven't seen any servers yet useing Armoured Fury so I have not got it yet. i will wait for 1.4 to finalize before I get it, heard there were some nasy bugs in the first beta, have not heard about the second one yet.
AlexStenka said:
and may I ask why?

have you watched the trailers? If its BF2 with futuristic weapons and less bugs... well, I think thats your answer right there
RooK said:
have you watched the trailers? If its BF2 with futuristic weapons and less bugs... well, I think thats your answer right there

The part about futuristic weapns I believe, but the less bugs part i'm not convinced about.
I tried the 1.4 patch. After 3 CTD's I changed it back. The "Road to Jalalabad" (SP?) map didnt seem to be anything that special, but then agian, I could never really play on it for that long.
I love the fact that the newer the patches cause more ctd's.
I did the 1.4...wasnt impressed...nor Did I like the god Mode for Medics...

Reverted back to 1.3...Happy there...

and as far as the BF2142...No thanks...Hopefully I will forget this whole Ranking Fiasco..and move on to Cool..teamworking Mods..Such as POE2,Rising Conflict..

and 2 good looking World war 2 Mods...

and of course Forgotten Hope 2