BF: Bad Company 2 will be DX11!!!

good to see DX11 being more widely accepted then DX10 ever was...W7 just came out and it is already receiving plenty of support from game addition to Bad Company 2 we also have S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, DIRT 2 and Aliens vs Predator
good to see DX11 being more widely accepted then DX10 ever was...W7 just came out and it is already receiving plenty of support from game addition to Bad Company 2 we also have S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, DIRT 2 and Aliens vs Predator

Yea BC2 being DX11, and having dedi servers, really is sticking it to IW.

This was the best news of the week for me :) iv been really pissed about MW2....even built my damn new pc in my sig for it.
Those slides have been saying that DX11 was coming to the frostbite engine for a while, but it's still nice for it to be confirmed.

Hopefully these PC tweaks will make their way into BF 1943 too, if that ever comes out...
Yea BC2 being DX11, and having dedi servers, really is sticking it to IW.

but at the end of the day all that really matters is sales figures and Bad Company 2 will not sell anywhere close to the numbers that Modern Warfare 2 will
but at the end of the day all that really matters is sales figures and Bad Company 2 will not sell anywhere close to the numbers that Modern Warfare 2 will

It might, Gotta remember its being sold on the 360 and ps3 as well.

and BF is a huge franchise....
So there is going to be a battlefield 3 some time soon correct? Seems like it would be kind of odd to release bad company 2 and battlefield 3 relatively close. This game by itself looks pretty darn good and could almost pass for battlefield 3... It doesn't look there is any type of aircraft though from what I have seen.

So maybe this will be a battlefield game that is more focused on infantry combat with some vehicles as well(tanks, jeeps)
So there is going to be a battlefield 3 some time soon correct? Seems like it would be kind of odd to release bad company 2 and battlefield 3 relatively close. This game by itself looks pretty darn good and could almost pass for battlefield 3... It doesn't look there is any type of aircraft though from what I have seen.

So maybe this will be a battlefield game that is more focused on infantry combat with some vehicles as well(tanks, jeeps)

There are helo's in the game, but I imagine that it will be hard for them to be readily available due to their spawn times for 16vs16. BF3 is going to be out 2011, and from what I hear and it's not uncommon for them to release games so close to each other. BF2142, a game that I love so much, was released only a few months after BF2 was.
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There are helo's in the game, but I imagine that it will be hard for them to be readily available due to their spawn times for 16vs16. BF3 is going to be out 2011, and from what I hear and it's not uncommon for them to release games so close to each other. BF2142, a game that I love so much, was released only a few months after BF2 was.
bf2142 was at least a year after bf2. I remember the spec ops type expansion pack as well as another expansion pack tha twas released for bf2 which came before 2142. Yeah after doing some snooping around I saw helicopters for bad company 2.
I can't wait this is one of the very few games I will be buying on release.
I watched a vid of a dev playing the PS3 beta. If DICE stays true to their word about the PC version then myself and at least 3 other people I know will be getting this game on release.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I think I'm gonna have to upgrade to at least a 5850 next march, battlefield is my all time favorite game series and I wanna enjoy all the goodness of the next game.
Plus Battlefield 3 is supposed to be out relatively soon after bc2, I remember 7-8 months ago they said BF3 in fall 2010... so it's probably early 2011 now, but that's still soon enough with BC2 to tide us over.
I think I'm gonna have to upgrade to at least a 5850 next march, battlefield is my all time favorite game series and I wanna enjoy all the goodness of the next game.
Plus Battlefield 3 is supposed to be out relatively soon after bc2, I remember 7-8 months ago they said BF3 in fall 2010... so it's probably early 2011 now, but that's still soon enough with BC2 to tide us over.


I am planning the same:D
Wow this actually looks good. I think I will be picking this up. Now I just have to find a damn 5870 that is in-stock!!!
Setting the charges and watching the enemy walk to their doom....priceless.

Very good footage. I can see myself playing this game exclusively for a long time.
I hope they tell us what DX 11 will do for the game.

I mean the game runs on a PS3 and xbox360... Is it really not going to be maxed out on PC?
I hope they tell us what DX 11 will do for the game.

I mean the game runs on a PS3 and xbox360... Is it really not going to be maxed out on PC?

The 360 versions of games are starting to look just god awful in comparison with the same versions on the PC.

I remember when the 360 was first released, games like Oblivion looked pretty decent in comparison. Today, it's not even close. If this hardware tesselation thing works as well in the games as it does in the demos I've seen then it's going to push the envelope even further.

DX 9 was a great DX. DX 10 sucked. But DX11 might end up being another DX9. We might be in for some great looking games in the next 2 to 3 years. I'll be buying a DX11 card sooner rather than later. I might even buy one for Dirt 2 - but we'll see how it goes.
good to see DX11 being more widely accepted then DX10 ever was...W7 just came out and it is already receiving plenty of support from game addition to Bad Company 2 we also have S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, DIRT 2 and Aliens vs Predator

isnt AC2 dx11 too?
People and their obsession over quality. You care about fps and gameplay before quality, fyi.

I always run at lowest possible DX level anwyays. I know many others who follow same logic. DX11 doesnt concern me. :p
This is looking GOOOD. Looks like my normal schedule of an upgrade every two years will be perfect (last one was June 2008 and a 4850 on launch day). I'll just jump ahead a couple months and upgrade when this baby is released!