BF 3


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2005
Anyone know the expected date for this game to go gold?

I found a hot deal for a 5870 for mid $200s and I'm wondering if I should buy it for BF3. I'm worried if it will run BF3 maxed out at 1900x1200 on 24" screen or if I should wait till BF3 come out and get the 7xxx version.:confused:
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BF 3 could be a long way off, it would be much safer to wait for the release if you're buying a gpu specifically for it due do how fast technology changes.
BF3 isnt even fully announced yet. Just buy if you need one , if not , wait.
Sorry... i wanted to say the release date isnt even fully announced yet.

my bad
5870 is a badass card... I just got done personally testing out gtx 460 sli, gtx470, gtx480, 6870 and 5870.

The 5870 gave me the best performance in BC2.
i would say hold off until you desperately need it. there is no release date but i'm guessing the end of next year or a year 2012.
BF2? it is like 9.99 on Steam isnt it

BC2 is where it is @

not BF2

To each his own, I dislike the new fad of the recent BF, and Call of Duty games. They made them more like counter-strike as in, small maps, low numbers of players, fast paced, geared towards younger / uncreative kids. I quit playing war games after BF2 because they just blow hard now. They take not much skill. Just drink a bunch of caffeine and I can easily rape everyone with spray and pray and some lowly acquired skills.

BF2 was MUCH different. You had to actually have skills for certain aspects of the game. Flying choppers took skill. Flying planes was similar, but VERY different..... infantry was a whole other aspect you had to master in Battlefield 2. It took skill and timing, unlike spray and pray for all the new army games.

I hope BF3 is exactly like BF2 in many ways, except of course -- more players (64 players minumum, 128 maximum for ONE DEDICATED PLAYER-MADE server.... bigger new set of maps obviously, more vehicles, and lastly 2011'ized modern GRAPHICS.

How is that so hard?........ waiting and waiting and waiting, a game like that would surpass shitty COD in a heartbeat with the mature gaming audience (growing bigger and bigger every year since kids infest the dumbed-down, kiddy like war games such as CoD: Blackops)
To each his own, I dislike the new fad of the recent BF, and Call of Duty games. They made them more like counter-strike as in, small maps, low numbers of players, fast paced, geared towards younger / uncreative kids. I quit playing war games after BF2 because they just blow hard now. They take not much skill. Just drink a bunch of caffeine and I can easily rape everyone with spray and pray and some lowly acquired skills.

BF2 was MUCH different. You had to actually have skills for certain aspects of the game. Flying choppers took skill. Flying planes was similar, but VERY different..... infantry was a whole other aspect you had to master in Battlefield 2. It took skill and timing, unlike spray and pray for all the new army games.

I hope BF3 is exactly like BF2 in many ways, except of course -- more players (64 players minumum, 128 maximum for ONE DEDICATED PLAYER-MADE server.... bigger new set of maps obviously, more vehicles, and lastly 2011'ized modern GRAPHICS.

How is that so hard?........ waiting and waiting and waiting, a game like that would surpass shitty COD in a heartbeat with the mature gaming audience (growing bigger and bigger every year since kids infest the dumbed-down, kiddy like war games such as CoD: Blackops)

Want a hard game? Arma 2.
Want a hard game? Arma 2.

Been there, played that :D

Not popular compared to BF/CoD games.... I want the old arcadish war type game like BF2 and such, not a redubbed counter-strike close range shooter, not a realistic army simulator! But in the middle there, where fun meets realism. Amra2 was a lottttt of walking, and then there was the few playing in a group with a couple retards who will get your whole team killed because they rush and spray without thinking (much like CoD skills).

BF3! Hell, I'll take BF2.5 for right now (bf2+updated graphics with all the same maps and weaponry). Maybe they can call it BF2: Source? :D
agreed bf2 with updated graphics would be great. and not that online f2p one they got goin.
To each his own, I dislike the new fad of the recent BF, and Call of Duty games. They made them more like counter-strike as in, small maps, low numbers of players, fast paced, geared towards younger / uncreative kids. I quit playing war games after BF2 because they just blow hard now. They take not much skill. Just drink a bunch of caffeine and I can easily rape everyone with spray and pray and some lowly acquired skills.

BF2 was MUCH different. You had to actually have skills for certain aspects of the game. Flying choppers took skill. Flying planes was similar, but VERY different..... infantry was a whole other aspect you had to master in Battlefield 2. It took skill and timing, unlike spray and pray for all the new army games.

I hope BF3 is exactly like BF2 in many ways, except of course -- more players (64 players minumum, 128 maximum for ONE DEDICATED PLAYER-MADE server.... bigger new set of maps obviously, more vehicles, and lastly 2011'ized modern GRAPHICS.

How is that so hard?........ waiting and waiting and waiting, a game like that would surpass shitty COD in a heartbeat with the mature gaming audience (growing bigger and bigger every year since kids infest the dumbed-down, kiddy like war games such as CoD: Blackops)

you took the words out of my mouth. Although I must admit I play BC2. I have about 45 hours logged. But still think BF2 is better.