Beyond Good & Evil 2

early rumors said no. But I mean...just rumors and hopefully just that.

Great news :) hopefully it's more supported this time with people buying it.
I bought the original, got stuck at a part where I was trying to photograph something and there were animals in boxes on a conveyor belt. I let a friend borrow it and haven't seen it since.

I did really like the way the game felt though.
Beyond Good & Evil was one of those sleeper hits. I don't think it got much coverage, but man that game was awesome.

I remember picking it up from EB used and spending most of my free time for a week playing through it.

Can't wait for #2
saw thread title and got super excited! then I saw the post date :( but that facebook post!

bg&e, for anyone who hasn't tried it, is a great zelda type of adventure game. really, I've never understood why there aren't more of these. it's pretty much just been zelda, okami, bg&e, and darksiders. i hope if something comes of this it's still in that adventure/puzzle vein moreso than, say, an assassin's creed or tomb raider 2013.
You just reminded me I never got around to playing the first one. I'll have to remedy that.
Ubisoft's software slams your CPU with an anti-malware scan, as you start and as you exit the game. Particularly on exit, it puts my 7800X3D at 85c. Which doesn't even happen after 10 minutes of Cinibench R23 (that tops out at 78c). Steam version here.

It also blatantly ignored my user input, when I denied permissions to "make changes to your PC" or to connect the game to my account. I denied it all, just to see what would happen. It went ahead and installed itself and connected the game anyway.
Ubisoft's software slams your CPU with an anti-malware scan, as you start and as you exit the game. Particularly on exit, it puts my 7800X3D at 85c. Which doesn't even happen after 10 minutes of Cinibench R23 (that tops out at 78c). Steam version here.

It also blatantly ignored my user input, when I denied permissions to "make changes to your PC" or to connect the game to my account. I denied it all, just to see what would happen. It went ahead and installed itself and connected the game anyway.
What on Earth are you talking about? The game isn't even released.