Better than SilenX fans?


Jan 10, 2005
I don't care about price. Does anyone know of any 120mm or 80mm fans that move the same or more CFM, but at less dB?

Here are the SilenX fan specs. I'm comparing to:

80mm = 14dBA @ 28CFM
120mm = 14dBA @ 58CFM

Also, I've never had or heard any of these fans, but have read a lot of reviews on them and they all sound very good. Does anyone have experience or know if they're quieter than Nexus Silent fans? According to the specs. SilenX are quieter and move more air than Nexus. The Nexus 80mm specs say 17.6dBA @ 20.2CFM. If this is correct it means that a Nexus 80mm is a little more than twice as loud as a SilenX 80mm and doesn't move as much air.
Have a look here.

FYI the specs SilenX give for their fans are NOT accurate. As a general rule I do not trust fan specs straight from the vendor, always look for good third-party reviews for non-biased information. SPCR happens to be one of the best on the subject.
Papst is the only other company which makes really high cfm/low db fans, but I'm not even sure if they still make cpu fans and if they do wether they're avaliable in America. SilenX is probably the best fan you can buy.
The short answer is that SilenX fans are no where near what they are rated. Now this isnt just means that they do not conform to their rated specs. Better fans would be globe, nexus and yate loon. I have both the yate loons and the silenX. They both are sleeve bearings and are very nice. Hoever, I paid 35$ CAD with tax for the silenX and for the yate loon I pad 7$ with tax and shipping and current conversion. Yate loon makes the fans for nexus.

If you can find them I would go for yate loons since they push more air than the nexus ones but can be undervolted to match the nexus. Nice ot always be able to get more airflow if you need it.
Wow! Quick replies guys... keep them coming.

I need eight 80mm and three 120mm... so the quieter the better.
no idea what the db is but at 7v my panaflo is verry quiet, and it will start at as little as 3v(i use my mobo and speed fan) :eek: :cool: