Better for Gaming?


Sep 5, 2005
I am building a new gaming system for my buddy. He wants a fast processor for under $700.00. I like the A64 and suggested the X2 4800+ but he looked at the Intel Pentium D 950. He looked at the MHz rate and the 950 is higher. Also does the DDR2 make that much of a difference over DDR?

Is there some place that has some benchmarks on the two processors? He will be doing Gaming and video rendering and I think that the A64 would do a better job.

Not trying to start a flame war just want some input. Thanks.
AMD is the easy choice for the next few months still. They are still tops at the moment.

Any recent review of either an Intel or an AMD chip will have them head to head.
USMC2542 said:
I am building a new gaming system for my buddy. He wants a fast processor for under $700.00. I like the A64 and suggested the X2 4800+ but he looked at the Intel Pentium D 950. He looked at the MHz rate and the 950 is higher. Also does the DDR2 make that much of a difference over DDR?

Is there some place that has some benchmarks on the two processors? He will be doing Gaming and video rendering and I think that the A64 would do a better job.

Not trying to start a flame war just want some input. Thanks.
You are right the A64s and X2s are tops ATM. The Pentium D's IMHO are crap. They get too hot, and do not provide enough performance compared to what the X2s give.

The Pentiums will have a higher frequency (MHz), but that is irrelevant. The X2s/A64s do more work per MHz than the Pentiums. For Athlons, DDR will not make much of a difference over DDR2.

Get an X2. They are better performers and run cooler.
You mean ddr1 will make no major preformance increase over ddr2
actually, io heard thare is no major preformance diffrence, but you never know with amd
To my knowledge, although DDR2 has looser timings, it is still comparable to DDR. The higher MHz makes up for the clocks per cycle lost. So, in theory, the amount of data processed by DDR2 in one cycle is equal to the data processed in the multiple cycles made by DDR within that time. I don't really have any evidence to back this up, and I may be wrong, but again, this is my opinion.

The speed of a P4 and A64 differ greatly. A64s have the memory controller on the chip, while P4s do not. The reason for the higher clock speed is so that the processor can cycle through the processor, memory controller, and memory quickly. So, once again, in theory a P4 3.0ghz ~ A64 2.0ghz.
Correct me if im wrong, but DDR2 is total marketing crap on intel. I am not knowing as much on intel architecture that i know on AMD, but as far as i know, Memory controller on intel is not on the cpu but on the northbridge, wich is communicating with the cpu at the speed of the FSB. So even if you have DDR2 633mhz (316x2) it is bottlenecked by the 200mhz fsb witch make them work as DDR3200.

New AMD2 socket that will release this summer will support DDR2 but because their memory controller is on the cpu itself, there will be no bottlenecking in speed.
Shogo said:
Correct me if im wrong, but DDR2 is total marketing crap on intel. I am not knowing as much on intel architecture that i know on AMD, but as far as i know, Memory controller on intel is not on the cpu but on the northbridge, wich is communicating with the cpu at the speed of the FSB. So even if you have DDR2 633mhz (316x2) it is bottlenecked by the 200mhz fsb witch make them work as DDR3200.
Oh? I knew about the northbridge memory controller, but I've never heard of DDR2 being marketting crap by Intel..

Shogo said:
New AMD2 socket that will release this summer will support DDR2 but because their memory controller is on the cpu itself, there will be no bottlenecking in speed.
I said correct me if im wrong. Dont base your opinion 100% on what i am saying because i dont know much on intel architecture BUT anyway i think we all agree that the difference between intel with ddr2 and amd with ddr is that Amd has proven to be better for gaming/multitasking/bang for the buck.