Best wrap-around earphones/buds ?


Mar 8, 2007
All --

I'm wondering what everyone in here uses for earphones ? I prefer getting the wrap around earphones because the in-ear buds come loose after a while, especially when working out.

which ones do you guys use or would recommend ?

I am currently using a Plantronics headset.
It's very comfortable. The sound is very decent for an open ear design headset. Mic's sound quality is also very good. It's a gaming headset, does its work well, and it's not meant to compete with high end headphones, by any means. So the music purist might scoff at this thing.
Initially, I had a Rocketfish USB headset. It looked good, worked nicely, but one of the ear cups snapped; the build quality was terrible. The plastic was thin and brittle, less than 1/16 inch thick.
I returned it to Best Buy and got this Plantronics Audio 370 Ultimate.

My only gripe is, that the mic keeps sliding down and won't stay up when I'm not using it.
Thanks Guys

aShurb--- looking for more audio/music related ear phones as opposed to gaming. But thanks for the feedback.

Overall --- which earphones, of any type, do most of you use and have had good results from ? 5 EB are my choice of earphones. They are IEM's (inner ear), but because of their fit, they don't fall out easily. I ran 3 miles with them in on Saturday.
Overall --- which earphones, of any type, do most of you use and have had good results from ?

Depends on your budget. For serious music listening I use BeyerDynamic DT990pro but for portable mp3 player and more casual listening I use the Koss KSC75 or JVC Marshmallow IEM.