Best/Worst Things to happen to the Modding Scene

Best =
the Dremel & accessories. Allows the occasional modder & hobbiest to do some cool stuff
without spending a lot of cake on equipment.

Worst = (part 1)
over reliance on the Dremel. Compared to other tools it really is an underpowered toy.
Much better choices for the serious modder. Pneumatics for instance.

(part 2 below)
OKANG said:
I understand that the good and the bad sometime go hand in hand, but that doesn't make then any more bearable for me.
  • Worst:
    • Pre-mod's in general
      • Contributed to the rise of "rice" components, where looks are the focus instead of performance or quality.
      • Take an idea that was once cool and beat it to death, making it a modding cliche
      • Cash-in on someone's idea without the originator getting any compensation (i.e. Antec patenting the LED fan over three years after it was home-brewed)
      • Cheapen the term "modder". Just because someone can make a purchase and turn a screw-driver doesn't make them a modder, IMO.
    • Pre-mod lighting
      • Often over-used and tend to make most cases look like a UFO, casino, or epileptic's worst nightmare
    • Over-exposure of modding
  • Best:
    • Increase in number of stock cases with 120mm fans and decreased use of 80mm fans.
    • Increased availability of modding supplies.
    • Increased interest in modding by enthusiasts.
    • Better products from Dremel
^^^ - Pretty much agree here. Hate seeing the proliferation of "modded" cases which are nothing
more than a bunch of cheap store-bought crap. Let's see some original stuff!! :p
Renswic said:
again like the floppy drive, it it wasnt for things like these, computers wouldnt be around, plus ribbon cables do sill have there uses

hmm, lets go over what i said:

note the bold part, if your cant tell that its pluged in to the wall or not, thats the first sign that you shouldnt be around computers, im not talking the LEDs taht can flash code at you to help you fix your computer, im talking motherboards like the DFI Ultra-D(and i think other lanparty boards) that have the annoying bright 'stand by' LED that stays on 24/7, that cant be turned off with out fliping hte main power switch or unpluging the computer

even if its plugged in, that light helps alot of people troubleshoot because even if it is plugged in and turned on, if that light is off, it most likely means your PSU is shot, or your motherboard is toast.
Renswic said:
if your cant tell that its pluged in to the wall or not, thats the first sign that you shouldnt be around computers, im not talking the LEDs taht can flash code at you to help you fix your computer, im talking motherboards like the DFI Ultra-D(and i think other lanparty boards) that have the annoying bright 'stand by' LED that stays on 24/7, that cant be turned off with out fliping hte main power switch or unpluging the computer

like i said, when someone buys a $299 walmart special. THAT is the first clue that they shouldnt own a computer. they go out and buy a complete system with absolutely no computer knowledge whatsoever and expect it to perform miracles for them. Then when the slightest thing goes wrong, they call tech support and want us to physically come out and fix the issue that they could have fixed themselves if they had one braincell more then a grapenut. if the NON FLASHING leds on motherboards and everywhere else werent there, it would make tech supports job so much harder. It is easier to get a customer to look for an LED that is on then to get them to admin that they did something wrong and didnt plug it in correctly. I have been sitting next to a person who received a call from someone who couldnt get their computer turned and called tech support, and it turns out that there was no power in the house due to storms in the area, but the customer expected the computer to turn on anyways. Any moron with money can buy a computer and try to use it, it takes a special person to figure out that this person has an I D 10 T error while trying to work it.
Anarchy had a good point, but it was off topic.

Best: Dremels, LEDs, Watercooling

Worst: LED Fans, CCFLs, Rice

If I wanted my computer to look like a honda civic, I would've bought a honda civic. Granted, I do appreciate a good paint job on a computer, some people take the colors to extreme.
TotalAnarchy1 said:
like i said, when someone buys a $299 walmart special. THAT is the first clue that they shouldnt own a computer.

my parents bought something like that, $500 got them a computer that was more then fast nuff to word, execl and internet, buying a cheap computer isnt always a bad thing, why buy more then you need?

and im adding to my list, worst:
factory bay covers that dont line up with out modding
parts on cases that are keyed to fit one way(IE, the front fan on the lian0li v1000, the brcket only goes in ONE fucking way...grrr
fans and lighting that come with 15+ in power cables, ive yet to see a case that you need that much

IDE ribben cabes that have been sliced into round cables, much easyer to twist aroiund stuff then the normal ones
TN giving up FF (I 'third' that comment)
People who have $300 for a LL which gives them a right to call everything else 'crap'

People who take nothing and make something beautiful out of it
WC'ing that anyone can have
prolific 120mm fans (how did we ever tolerate 80mm screamers?)
Someone commenting on modding their grandma's 'chest' into a supermodel's :D

edit: add to worst:
'tool free' cases that need modding just to get your stuff to fit right

West Coast Chopper Lookalikes...
LED Fans.
UV Reactive Slots.
Dragons (as in the design shape).
Cheap Aftermarket Crap, I.E. Modding for lazy people... can be a corillary to Thermaltake.


Modular PSUs.
Good 120mm Fans.
Companies that still offer a Non-LED fan option.
Better Cases.
Rounded PATA cables.
SATA Tech.
Heatpipe Tech.
Increased Plexiglass Availability.
why all the hate for the decent premodded cases out there?

somepeople migh not have he tools, skills, or time required to do the mods them selfs. and theres a lot of good looking premods out there
I'd like to add another worst thing to happen to modding:

The term 'premod'. It makes no sense. The case is stock. It wasn't modified at the factory. That's how it was designed.
the hate for "premods" is the cheap overkill of the modding standards... too many leds, too many analogs to car modding, or airplanes, dragon cutouts.... all that bullshit.

I mean... it makes the whole scene look cheap when you walk through frys or something and see that shit.

I think the point of this whole "modding" idea is to allow yourself to inject a little (or a lot of) art and style into an area of one's life that us geeks enjoy - computers.

and you can't go to the store and buy personal art and style out of a box... you buy the materials that you use to create something.
jpmkm said:
Yet you yourself have beige cases and dremels on your list. I'm so confused.

undertheradar said:
Alchemic has CRT's on his 'worst' list...are you kidding me?

Yes, I am kidding you - my list is sarcasm, every single one of those items has been around MUCH longer than modding. My Worst list reads like a list of parts from 1994, and what is funny is that some of those are on other people's worst list as well. Ridiculous. My Best list looks like a list of aisles in your average Autozone/Pep Boys - Modding did not create the dremel folks. Nor wire sleaving, or lights, or spray paint - the funny thing is how far behind "modding" (computers) is from automotive trends, and how faithfully computers follow these trends 6-8 months too late.
Alchemic said:
Yes, I am kidding you - my list is sarcasm, every single one of those items has been around MUCH longer than modding. My Worst list reads like a list of parts from 1994, and what is funny is that some of those are on other people's worst list as well. Ridiculous. My Best list looks like a list of aisles in your average Autozone/Pep Boys - Modding did not create the dremel folks. Nor wire sleaving, or lights, or spray paint - the funny thing is how far behind "modding" (computers) is from automotive trends, and how faithfully computers follow these trends 6-8 months too late.
Who said modding created any of those things? :confused: I thought this was supposed to be a list of stuff that has either helped or hurt modding.
mashie said:

Ultrabright blue LEDs.


I agree. I bought some deep blue ones. They are nearly purple they are so deep and they aren't blinding bright. They have a nice glow to them that doesn't attract little bugs that attempt to kill them. :p
Second Post...

Increased availability of aluminum cases

Cancellation of Stiltner's Coldforge AA-15 (those who've been around will remember it)
jpmkm said:
Who said modding created any of those things? :confused: I thought this was supposed to be a list of stuff that has either helped or hurt modding.

The list is of Best/Worst things to happen to modding. There's a difference. It's like saying "Well the worst thing to happen to cars is gravity, I mean rolling resistance is KILLING my track times and mileage, something has to be done about this." Complaining about having a beige case is ridiculous, that's how things were, deal with it, it didn't "happen" to modding, it's a limitation to create against.
Alchemic said:
The list is of Best/Worst things to happen to modding. There's a difference. It's like saying "Well the worst thing to happen to cars is gravity, I mean rolling resistance is KILLING my track times and mileage, something has to be done about this." Complaining about having a beige case is ridiculous, that's how things were, deal with it, it didn't "happen" to modding, it's a limitation to create against.
Why must you be so pedantic about the wording in this thread? Just let it be. And your car analogy is terrible.

Another "best" that I haven't seen mentioned yet is body filler(when used appropriately, of course).
jpmkm said:
Why must you be so pedantic about the wording in this thread? Just let it be. And your car analogy is terrible.

Another "best" that I haven't seen mentioned yet is body filler(when used appropriately, of course).

Actually his analogy was VERY good.... LOL(Body filler wasnt made for modding either)LOL :D
The worst I think is all the premodded stuff. No one knows what a dremel is anymore.

Insert back in my day quotes.....
yeah back in my day we used to mod up-hill... in the snow... both ways...
jpmkm said:
Another "best" that I haven't seen mentioned yet is body filler(when used appropriately, of course).

Hey buddy, why stop there? You know what, mass production facilities are another AWESOME thing that has happened to modding, I mean all of these parts are so cheap now, and the modern metallurgy techniques have really made the Lian Li cases LOOK and FEEL much better.

But for serious, best thing to happen to modding? Smaller and ever more efficient WC setups, warrantied modular cable PSUs, and LEDs on mobos that tell you when it's plugged in. :p

Worst? Movie/Videogame/Media "themed" cases. Might as well dress up like a Jedi with a cape full of toy advertisements while you're at it.
but those guys are going to want star wars computers... so why put them down for it.
Alchemic said:
Worst? Movie/Videogame/Media "themed" cases. Might as well dress up like a Jedi with a cape full of toy advertisements while you're at it.

I respect your opinion, though it is my opinion that your opinion respectively sucks. Themed mods are awesome when they are done right, Have you seen Crimson's Doom3 mod or Qtip42's BatMan case? I made a HellRaiser Cenobite computer and am currently working on the sequel to it. A matter of taste I guess, but without music/videogames/movies a lot of the best mods would not be.

Everyone's entitled to an opinion, whatever... please hand me my cape.
I'm gonna go put on my batsuit in just a sec....right after I'm done with my brokeback mountain themed case :D

And I will argue till I'm blue in the face that floppy drives were not only a pain in the ass in terms of modding (can't do anything to them) but should have died in the early 90's along with syquest and iomega external drives. :p
Alchemic said:
Worst? Movie/Videogame/Media "themed" cases. Might as well dress up like a Jedi with a cape full of toy advertisements while you're at it.




ill save the pics of me as Obi Wan ath teh permers of Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith

ARTbyTROY said:
Everyone's entitled to an opinion, whatever... please hand me my cape.

Don't get me wrong, I respect the work involved in creating these pedestals to whatever it is you worship. I just like the more utilitarian mods. :p
Beige Cases, and premodded cases
Zip Drives
8" floppy drive, who needed a floppy drive that big
Sound activated Cathodes, you have to turn the volume of your sound up to use them.

Seeing more and more people making a case from scratch rather than buying a stock case or a premodded case.
TopNurse and her mods
Qtip42 and his mods.
ARTbyTROY said:
I respect your opinion, though it is my opinion that your opinion respectively sucks. Themed mods are awesome when they are done right, Have you seen Crimson's Doom3 mod or Qtip42's BatMan case? I made a HellRaiser Cenobite computer and am currently working on the sequel to it. A matter of taste I guess, but without music/videogames/movies a lot of the best mods would not be.

Everyone's entitled to an opinion, whatever... please hand me my cape.

Didnt you win something at Quakecon for that case?
im new to case mods but ive been modding stuff my whole life(guitars phones, fans)

dremel: allows modders on budget to at least think they can play with the big boys

premodded cases: i know y'all will be pissed at me for it, but when i say premodded, i dont mean windows and lights and stealthed drives, i mean non-rectangular cases, like alienware[case] and asus vento (flame-worthy examples i know but i like them). these cases allow non-modders to see what a case can be.

SUBTLE!!! LEDs: gives a case a real pro. look, lets your comp. stand out without shouting "100k at m3"

UV reactive: i dont have an explantion, i just like it.

frozencpu, xoxide, newegg, crazypc


Dremel: too many people think it is all they need

Premodded cases: cases that have lazer etched windows and dragons in them, a rare look good, most dont.

mobos that look like they are for modding but the color schemes look fruity with your colorscheme (ECS boards)

hate on me all you want (for more kindlin' for your flames, im rocking a prebuilt alienware{i regret it, i was young and niave} and a ASUS vento, both modded but hey whatever. and! i use tigerdirect and use my local computer shop for repairs. and have my hard drive mounted ontop of my PSU.
I remember back when I had a BX slot 1 motherboard, I had this awsome tower case... it had an extra harddrive mount above the PSU. I would just put some bushing oil on my fans when they would freeze from time to time. I tried to install my own case window before they were the fad... but it was tough to get a good cut through the panel... and it was next to impossible to use a scroll saw to cut plexiglass or lexan... the cuts would melt shut immediately as you moved the blade through. good times.
Moddest Mouse said:

dremel: allows modders on budget to at least think they can play with the big boys



Dremel: too many people think it is all they need

^^^ - couldn't agree more ... pretty much what I said in post #42 verbatim
Arcygenical said:
On the topic of PSU cables, arn't there only like 8 different cables actually needed?

and the board check?
Only 7. the -5v is not part of the ATX PSU standard anymore .
Let's see:

Worst things:

80mm fans
"Ultrabright LEDs" damn I hate those things, I never plug mine into the mobo header.
Short cables running from the power inverter to the cold cathode. It needs to be 3x as long.
Cheap power inverters for CC that unexpectedly burn out.
Unsleeved PSUs
Red CC that aren't really red.
Red UV fans that are really orange.
Lack of standardized case / mobo header plug.

Best things:

120mm / 140mm / 250mm fans
Cases with only 120mm fans, still not enough of them.
Cases that have room for a secondary PSU at the bottom.
Case that have the PSU isolated at the bottom. Ex: LL PC-V2XXX / V1XXX series.
Sleeved PSUs.
Retailers that will sleeve any PSU any color. Ex: Performance Pcs
Laser and water jet cutting.
External WC units Ex: Koolance