best way to salvage what i can from a failing drive


Oct 20, 2006

so i run centos 5.2 and i have a few shared drives one has my movies on it, and its beginning to fail..

im a bit of a noob with linux but im leaning..

aside from just trying to copy the files off, which hangs eventually.. is there some sort of script or neat command that i can use to copy all the files from one drive to another and have it.. say count a maximum time limit to spend on each file and if it tries for lets say 15 minutes and it hasnt succeeded it moves on to the next file? or a better idea?

i have managed to pick and choose and get certain movies off it, but its a 500gb drive thats jammed full..

i appreciate any ideas

Not sure if it will help your situation but if you can image the drive on another system and recover from the image. dd (linux image tool) handles failing drives decently.
Moved to DSS
The boys here are well versed in *nix system and will be your best bet for recovery options :)
i like the dd idea, im having a big of trouble getting it installed though

i tred yum -y install ddrescue
but it says no package available, so i downloaded it but i dont think it works right

wow im a noob

im trying ddrescue -n /dev/sdb1 /dev/sda1 rescued.log

-bash: ddrescue: command not found

obviouslly i didnt install it right.. duur
Often times too if you have bad sectors the OS can appear hang on reading those sectors while it retries over and over again. DD is definitely an option however failing that you might have to do the tedious work of copying individual or groups of files to find the offender file(s).
i like the dd idea, im having a big of trouble getting it installed though

i tred yum -y install ddrescue
but it says no package available, so i downloaded it but i dont think it works right

wow im a noob

im trying ddrescue -n /dev/sdb1 /dev/sda1 rescued.log

-bash: ddrescue: command not found

obviouslly i didnt install it right.. duur

Try a compile from source

It should be a simple process. If you don't wanna go that route try dropping your centOS disk in and booting to recovery mode.
i got it!

im home sick with a fever and strep throat so im gonna blame my previous lack of effort on that haha

but thanks for the help :)

ddrescue is amazing! it will probably take a while to run, but from what i can see its gonna grab what it can

im running it off a 500Gb drive onto a 1.5Tb drive so i figure i will have to run gparded to resize the partition after its done because im a moron and didn;t create a matching partiton

thanks again :) you all rock