Best way to destory a computer?

You guys Scare me. I mean shooting a computer. Heard of Ricochet? Burning a computer. Heard of cianide? Blowing up a computer. Heard of shrapnel? Although these things are amusing, whats the point? Although the mother board might be dead, the case can still be used, or possibly other components.

I think you want SoftOCP ;)
Your a firearms instuctor, Good for you, then you should know better than to give advice like that. Especially to someone whom you dont know can be responcible with that advice.
MrWizard6600 said:
well i still like K-sharps method.

(this would be some counterstrike fest)
uhh im not sure but i think he was on SK...

anywho 5V5 he gets fraged. like tootally nubbed... so he takes his keyboard (remember its not HIS keyboard its the people who own the lan turnys keyboard) and bashes his monitor till the black crystals come out. hits it somemore... then somemore....

K-Sharp never played for SK. Do you mean this video with Heaton and SK?
Factorxfiles said:
4. If you've got a friend to throw for you, and a nice back yard, toss various components up and shoot them. It's not really neccessary to toss them, you can shoot them on the ground, too.

I'd shout PULL, but firing off guns in most cities is illegal. Just a heads up. ;)

Tantrix said:
Before you post some idiotic comment like this maybe you should learn a little more about firearms, calibers, and what they are capable of.

What? You mean guns don't make cars explode by shooting them in the gas tank? You mean there are no such things as "cop killer" bullets? You mean assault rifles are only made assault rifles by the addition of a bayonet attachment? TV doesn't lie! Why should I believe you? ;)
Seriously, if he actually had a gun to shoot it, he would probably know everything he needed to know already.

Back on topic, is the government doing any highway repair around you? Get a steamroller to go over it. Then hang it as wall art.
You could do like Joe Dirt did to the 50gallon drum of gasoline. Put the computer on top of a 50gallon drum of gasoline then get back a good distance and shoot it with a roman candle :D That would be nice but it would probably not be good unless you live out in the middle of nowhere.
jordan172005 said:
You could do like Joe Dirt did to the 50gallon drum of gasoline. Put the computer on top of a 50gallon drum of gasoline then get back a good distance and shoot it with a roman candle :D That would be nice but it would probably not be good unless you live out in the middle of nowhere.

not to mention expensive... if i had 50 gallons of gas around it would go into my truck

i say recycle too... computers have a lot of things (chemicals) that that are harmful to you and the environment
No guns, no explosions..... Come on now....

1) Take computer outside
2) Place behind rear tire
3) Enter vehicle
4) Place vehicle in reverse
5) Computer destroyed.
synaps3 said:
Three words:




uh, I don't want to get on a government list, so I will say no more. They can be quite destructive, trust me :D
fixed :)
wood shredder would take care of that. except maybe take out the hard drive and heatsink.
Conano said:
Your a firearms instuctor, Good for you, then you should know better than to give advice like that. Especially to someone whom you dont know can be responcible with that advice.

Ok well I'll edit it before you go all Rosie O'donnell on us.

The complete guide to shooting your junk PC's - the Martha Stewart way. Written just for Conano :D

1) Always use proper eye & ear protection.
2) Stand no closer than 5-8 yards from it and don't shoot it at an angle. Shoot it directly in the side at as close to 90-degrees as possible.
3) Use only calibers over .22LR. No pellet guns or BB guns or you risk getting a nasty bruise on your leg from a ricochet. These are notorious for ricochets due to the low velocity of the BB/pellet. They don't penetrate much they just bounce around.
4) Be certain of your backstop, as pretty much any standard handgun round can penetrate completely through a PC's case. This means whatever you hit after your bullet passes through the PC...YOU are accountable for. (cars, children, etc...)
5) Follow the basic firearms rules. (don't point guns at anybody at any time, keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire at target, identify your target before firing, etc...) If you are unsure of the rules, then you should put the guns down until you know the basics at least.

There you go, the complete guide to shooting your junk PC's...written and edited by a firearms instructor.

(Just remember- don't shoot them at an angle and don't use BB or pellet guns)
I'm 99% sure the plastic used in computers is NOT thermoplastic, which means that it cannot be recycled. I say this because heat will start to break down and soften thermoplastics, and since we all know PC's generate heat, I'm willing to bet they are thermoset plastics, which are non-recyclible.

However, the glass in the monitor and maybe other small parts like resistors and capacitors may or may not be worth taking.
i modded a nail gun for stuff like that, just load it with nails any shoot it hehe.. but that just me :D
Im only like 14 or 15, so i dont own a handgun, and really dont plan on it.... also parents would get pritty pissed if i made a fugging bomb or some shit like that... so lets stick with either hold it to july 4th and blow it up.... take a hammer (sledge)/bball batt, or take a pickace.... btw no parts can e recycled as i just have a fried mobo, the case, and the dead hd, none of it works..... and i wanna blow it up b4 i recycle it :)

dam big thread... lol
First throw it outside from the window... go down with a sledge and beat the shit out of it... kick it every now and then. If u have a big rock or brick or something.. throw that on it too.. then blow it up lol, have fun >=D
Well since you're 15.... keep it near your desk along with a sledge hammer handy when doing math homework. ;)
I keep seeing Thermite. But where in the heck would a normal person get thermite?
Do like that episode from Mythbusters about the Ming Emperor that strapped rocket to his chair. Strap rockets to the computer and let it go up in style.


Find someone whom build a giant Trebuchet and launch the pc, far away.
I just burned a 17" CRT down yesterday because it quit on me after falling off my desk :( Anyway boy did that smoke roll off that thing lol
r00k said:
Two words: Sledgehammer Tetherball

:D I like his idea. Or if you have a large grass vaccuum you could try to stick it in there :D I throw old tools and shit in mine but it's not big enough for a computer to go in.
Scorpionjwp said:
Do like that episode from Mythbusters about the Ming Emperor that strapped rocket to his chair. Strap rockets to the computer and let it go up in style.
That gave me another idea... attach it to one of those model rockets and remove the parachute. It might crash through the roof of your house though.