best small lightweight imaging software


Apr 14, 2004
i only have like 32mb sdram so i was wondering what is the bet imaging photo editor on the market?

i like ms photo editor since i resize alot of my digicam pics but recently with photoeditor when i resize my iamges they dont come out properly. they leave like trail in the pic. where its ment to be resized. like when u scroll a webpage really fast and all u see is blurred text. thats what i get when i resize a large pic to a small pic.

so i need a small program which is similar to photoeditor. my main specs are usually saving to JPG where the quality can be adjusted and the image resized in CM. according to download dot com LVIEW PRO 2004. that seems to be the best.
Elmo187 said:
Irfanview is good for resizing and other basic adjustments. It also allows for batch processing.

I second Ifranview, its very straightfoward. Photomesa is also good too, but its not freeware.
Also not freeware, but, personally, I love Paintshop Pro. It's a little heavy, but still, I can run it well enough on my laptop with only 40MB of ram and a small hd. It can do more than just basic operations.
and there's always XNView, simple like irfanview, but with some extra filters and stuff that I like.