best shotgun in a FPS game?

I will say Halo 1 because it is one of the only weapons that can take out a vehicle in one blast (besides the missile launcher).
I'm going to have to go with Quake 2's super shotgun :) I would always crouch and look up at the enemy before shooting them... you could knock them around the room!
id say the all time best shotgun is definatly, Duke Nukem 3d's double barrel shotgun pluz when u kill something with it, it explodies :D and hes like "aw yah" or something of that nature
but the best modern day 1 would be the 1 in HL2:DM
keep in mind when u press the second mouse button with the shotgun in hl2:dm its a double shot. ouuuuuuuu :eek:
The shotgun from Painkiller. Not bad for something that looks like it's been ducttaped together :D
Doom 2 Double barrel was quality :)

CS:S non-auto shotgun is cool, and under rated, a good close-medium range headshot will drop a person in 1 shot.

I liked the Duke3d Shotgun probably the most though.

And how about the little shotgun the scout had on TFC, that thing did about 10 hit points of damage per shot but was so fast (like the scout) that if you were nimble you could kick the poop out of even the larger soldiers.
Mr_Evil said:
The Benelli M3 Super 90 is a shotgun and it is the pump action shotgun from CS:S. Damn good gun too, people on pub servers always call me n00b because they think I'm using the Semi-auto.

I know which gun is Ive been killed by it across the map more than a few times in CS:S ;)
I would have to agree with many people here, and go with the Double-Barreled shotgun from Doom 2. Hearing the reverberating BOOM from my subwoofer, accompanied by the reloading sound is ecstasy.
BooyaAchieved said:
I would have to agree with many people here, and go with the Double-Barreled shotgun from Doom 2. Hearing the reverberating BOOM from my subwoofer, accompanied by the reloading sound is ecstasy.

I think the common theme with shotguns is that same BOOM that we all love to hear. Whenever I played CS before Source it was always a habit to shoot at least a couple shotgun rounds before combat just because it sounded so good...

Anyhow, I like the shotgun in HL2 now because it is a little better long range, but I have to say the HL1 shotgun's double fire feature was always fun too.
Doom 2 double barrel shotgun. It was perfected back then so later on all have been the same really.

Flak Cannon is a bit original though that surely is nice.
^^ahh yes...cant forget UTs flak cannon..its technically a shotgun :p

i like the secondary fire on it
I'd have to go with the Shotgun from Soldier of Fortune 2. I remember the first time I blew a bad guy's arm off at the shoulder :-D Now that's entertainment!

Mr_Evil said:
The Benelli M3 Super 90 is a shotgun and it is the pump action shotgun from CS:S. Damn good gun too, people on pub servers always call me n00b because they think I'm using the Semi-auto.

The Smiley face gave away the sarcasm mr evil. Back on topic, i've always loved the DB shotgun from Doom2. It was freakin' great.
4b5eN+EE said:

i always scream "BULLSHIT!" on the MIC when i get shot in the head with a shotgun from about 150 meters away in CS:S.

ps. i know you werent talking about the actual shotguns. AWP right?

nah, i meant the pump shotty. i just findit amusing when you can take someone out 100 yards away with a shotgun.
yea. thats why i left the first part in there

but its usually the noob cannon (auto-shottie) that does it to me
whoa dood u played blood? that game roxzored

the shotty from it owned
but i think the 1 from duke3d is still my fav
quake2, I bet my dad/brother still remember the sound of the quake2 shotgun and the jumping sound lol. I wish you could go back to when old games like that were popular! :D
anyone not saying, doom 2 Double barrel shotgun is the best, is smoking crack.

How can you not love the BOOOM, click, clack.... BOOOOM. Instant death at point blank (save for mega health and armor where you were put in a world of hurt at a point blank discharge of the DB :) );) screw the BFG!!!
AceTKK said:
I'd have to go with the Shotgun from Soldier of Fortune 2. I remember the first time I blew a bad guy's arm off at the shoulder :-D Now that's entertainment!


USAS 12 in Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix. The BEST. Plus you get treated with the best dismemberment and gore in any FPS to go with it.
its either the pump shotty in counterstrike, Pubmasters style... or the double barrel in doom 2!
No one here prolly remembers this server, but Tolnep's Lithium (Q2) had a ssg that was cranked up so high just the slightest hit from any part of the spread caused instant death, and you spawned with it. We used to routinely get over 1000 frags per hour in the fact3 map by changing our names to like billy4683 and wait for suckers, then leap in with the real names and clean the place out for a few maps, then rush over to the clq and check our stats :p.
The UT Flak Cannon needs to get a mention for being one of the coolest game weapons ever. However, it's not a shotgun exactly.

The SOF2 full autoshotgun kicked much ass. Of course the supershotgun in Doom 2 kicked much ass.
An interesting factoid I remember seeing regarding the double barrelled shotgun from Doom 2... apparently it did close to three times the damage of the single barrelled one :p

All the more reason it was as badass as it was!
MOHAA, man you bust into a room with a shotgun and the germans ran like hell. It was my fav in the entire game. Also applying the blood patch (A.K.A Gore Patch) made all the difference in the world with the effects.

Also Max Payne. I know its a third person shooter but you blast them and they fly.
In Half-Life 2, open up your console and type in these following 2 commands:

sk_plr_dmg_buckshot 100
sk_plr_num_shotgun_pellets 1000

(or more to your liking)

The shotgun in HL2 will now become your favorite shotgun ever.
1000 pellets per shot, 100 damage each.

Coupled with HL2's amazing Havoc physics, this gun is even better than the gravity gun. On the levels where you're driving around and see piled up cars on the ocean cliff highway... try shooting one and watch it fly into the distance. Use the shotgun to shoot one of those hanging lamps in Ravenholme and watch it do horizontal loops in the air. Shoot a dead strider and watch it's limbs flail. This gun can move any object in this game that has physics code. It's so much dam fun. You could almost juggle cars with this thing if you could hit things dead-on. Still, shooting enemies remains the most fun. Hit an overwatch troop and see him fly, bouncing off walls with incredible force.
doom2 double dad and i upgraded our 486 SX25 to a DX75 just to get the double barrel reload time faster :D :D :D