Best Security Carbonite or JungleDisk?


Nov 1, 2001

I'm trying to decide between using Carbonite, or JungleDisk for online backup.

Carbonite: Uses a combination of Blowfish and DES III (Triple DES) encryption.
Jungle Disk: Uses a AES-256 encryption.

Both seem to be pretty secure. My question is, which company offers the most secure method?
Question should be.."Which company offers the best support, and the best software for my use?"
Intronis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Better support than all those, compressed data compared to non uncompressed, much faster updload and download speed for restores.
I can't recommend Carbonite for anyone, they lost a bunch of data not to long ago.
all of them allow you to pick your own key and not use a managed one.

i just use a managed one.
While they both allow for the encryption I feel that the correct question to be asking once again is which software offers the best features. As a side note, Triple-Des might run data through three separate cyphers but it still is not the most secure. I recently had a client who was using Carbonite and nothing but problems came from it. While attempting to retrieve the data, the Carbonite offsite servers kept having issues. What should have taken a couple hours turned into an affair that lasted a couple of days. I haven't used the other software that you mentioned, but just from personal experience Carbonite was not as reliable as I was expecting.
I've been using iDrive for home use and love it. iBackup for a few business clients and it works pretty good, too. Not a fan of carbonite after having used it for a few friends. Not heard of intronis...
I had issues with Carbonite throttling bandwidth. Once I got over a few hundred gigs of data they started. I switched to Mozy and haven't had any issues since.