best/quietest STOCK x800xl


Limp Gawd
Jan 10, 2005
which manufacturer makes the best/quietest stock heatsink/fan for x800xl?

i was looking at the asus one, it seems to have the biggest stock fan out of all the x800xl on newegg...but for some reason, the asus's core and mem frequency are LOWER than the other x800xl...while still being more expensive. anyone know why?
because asus does that.
look at their 6800"GT"
it only has plain ddr at 700 vs ddr3 at 1000.
Santasballz said:
which manufacturer makes the best/quietest stock heatsink/fan for x800xl?

i was looking at the asus one, it seems to have the biggest stock fan out of all the x800xl on newegg...but for some reason, the asus's core and mem frequency are LOWER than the other x800xl...while still being more expensive. anyone know why?

who says you need a fan to be quiet at stock speeds? :)
no AGP love? (i know pcie is like, the second coming and whatever, but agp wont be going away any time soon, due to the fact agp 4x is barely used even today)

but yeah. need more agp cards :(
Just so you know, APG is going away. Most of the big companies like HP, Dell, and Gateway have already made the move to PCI express and it will probably be gone in the enthusiast market in about a year. ATi included AGP support in their next batch of cards, but I suspect after that there will be less and less support.
Killdozer said:
Just so you know, APG is going away. Most of the big companies like HP, Dell, and Gateway have already made the move to PCI express and it will probably be gone in the enthusiast market in about a year. ATi included AGP support in their next batch of cards, but I suspect after that there will be less and less support.

PCI cards were the biggest seller in the UK for the 2004 year. Think about that a sec.
PCI support on brand new cards ended in 2003 from both ATI and Nvidia
AGP 4x/8x slots have been around since 2001.
AGP and PCI graphic card owners combined take up 93% of home computer users hardware based on polls done by both companies.

Think about these things for a moment, then decide if AGP is going out the door in 1 year. PCI express is welcomed and embraced as the new standard, but its not pushing anything out nearly as fast as people think. AGP still has 2-3 more years life in it before ATI and Nvidia totally cut it off. Doing so earlier would absolutly destroy their yearly earnings. It would be complete suicide.

ATI and Nvidia are absolutly ready to start manufacturing PCI Express GPUs only, infact they both are. This year should mark the end of AGP ready made cores. However, both companies have also invested alot of money into bridge chips to allow them to use the native PCI Express GPUs in AGP PCBs, so both of them are in AGP for awhile. They didnt invest all the money and research for 1 year of cards, trust me ;).

Downside to this? New AGP cards may actually be more expensive by 20-50 dollars as their PCI Express counter parts because they'll take a little more work and product. Hope this helps.
Yeah, two of my friends just built brand new systems using ASUS A8V's. They did this mainly because they wanted to use their existing videocards and then upgrade later. PCI-Express for the Athlon 64 wasn't even really here until nforce 4 came out. That is a lot of people who upgraded to athlon 64 systems but still have AGP. Also i'm sure there are more than a few 875 based systems with AGP slots that could use another videocard upgrade.
alright thx guys.

about gigbyte's silentpipe video card. i viewed the option, but that card does not fit in the small form factor (shuttle G5 chassis) that i am going to build.

only single slot video cards will fit.

so...asus = bad?

any suggestion on any other quiet x800xl's then?
They all will perform relatively the same if theyare the samemake. If your going to overclock sure look at Heatsinks, etc.