Best PSX to USB adapter?


Limp Gawd
Jul 6, 2001
Are they all the same or should I wait for the local Radio Shack to get some in stock? And if there is a better/equivalent one, where can I acquire one?

It allows you to use a playstation 2 controller on your pc

I got the one soyo makes that they use to sell at frys dunno if they do anymore called Kiko or something along those lines Soyo is the one that makes it... Had no problems with the new drivers out for it on any game last game I used it with was NFSU
Originally posted by Naruto
I got the one soyo makes that they use to sell at frys dunno if they do anymore called Kiko or something along those lines Soyo is the one that makes it... Had no problems with the new drivers out for it on any game last game I used it with was NFSU

when did they release new drivers?
Well, I found a radio shack in my area that had a few, so I got one. the only problem is that the setup file on the driver disk is corrupted. the radio shack website doesn't have any drivers available to download, so does anyone have a copy of the setup file that they could send me?

i got the soyo one too. the kiky usb>ps2 convertor. when i first got it, it used to lag, now it works perfectly, still using the same drivers. it supports force feedback 2. i paid six for mine, and it came with a $6 rebate check. got it from
I have the Radio Shack adapter also. It works great, and I didn't install any drivers from the disk. With XP, I just plug it in, Windows detects a USB joystick, and I'm ready to rock.
I got one like this off of ebay:

It's also known as the super dual box (any adapter that is a blue triangle is the super dual box), and lets you connect 2 PSX/PS2 pads to your PC. I tried regular (non-analog) controllers, and they were detected fine on Win98 without drivers. You can usually get them for $9-12 shipped.

There is a driver disk included, but I think you can also get the drivers online:
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I use the one from Elecom. Had it for a few years and it rocks just as good as it did the first day I had it.