Best PSU for BFG 6800GT?

>WP< $lipKnot said:
What I really want is this LianLi PC-65 I am going to try to talk somebody into getting it for me for my birthday. This case is an awesome piece of work.

The PC-65 is nice. I've worked with mine for about two years. But, the V-1000 is much nicer. I built my little brother a computer for college, and picked that case for him, it was a pleasure to work with.
Hey computerpro, is that the MX700 do you have the MX Duo mouse and keyboard? please tell me everything you think about getting one and i want to make sure i make the right disition on that to.
THe mx700 comes in the duo, which I have. I love them, imho they are by far the best mouse/keyboard out there, especially for the price.
So you notice no lag in the keyboard or mouse? what type of range do you get?
I also have a BFG 6800 GT OC and it cause my system to be severely underpowered and stop booting when I had my 420w generic PSU in it. All my PCI slots are full (video capture, sound card, modem, firewire, and controller card) and I have 2 HDDs and 2 opticals. AMD 2800+ on a Gigabyte mobo. Altogether, I figured I would be able to get by on an Antec Truepower 430 that I got for 50 bucks. Well, the computer boots ok, but voltages are low. My 5v is at 4.17 and all the others are ok. I know I need to return this PSU and get one with more power on the 5v rail. So far, I'm looking at the Thermaltake W0014 which gives me more power on all rails except the 5v which is cut down to 18amps (my current Antec has 26) Is this going to hurt me much or do I need to have more on my 12v? Thanks.
I just picked up a PNY GeForce 6800 GT, I'm probably going to pick up the Antec TrueBlue 480W PSU. 480W is sufficient I'm assuming?
computerpro3 said:
And if you keep using it, you're probably going to get quite a BANG for your buck, and dead mobo/vidcard/hd to boot. Heh, how many bad puns were in that sentence?

You spent tons of money on your system, I would really reccomend that you spring for a well known, quality psu. One that isnt likely to blow up your system.

Guys, read the sticky at the top of the forum. That's all you need to know for which brands to stay away from, which brands to buy from, and which psu's are in your price range that will get the job done.

New update. Antec TP 550 goes to hell and takes motherboard with it. So I still love thier fans but I will not buy an Antec PSU ever again.

Conned my way into another Asus P4c800E deluxe motherboard. and took the Burned up Antec back and got an Enermax 550. I could tell something was wrong with the Antec when I installed it brand new out of the sealed box. It just got too hot for my liking and I was right. It was not manufactured well and had some flaw. The Enermax is much higher quality. I really could notice when I took it out of the box before installing it even. I have had my computer on for over 24 hours now and the enermax is barely even warm. Now I not only think Antec cases are boring but the psu's they have are poorly manufactured.

Conclusion = Antec = killer fans with a lot of cfm, average cases, junk psu's.

That is my opinion and I am sticking to it.
burningrave101 said:
The ugly Fortrons and the overpriced PC Power and Cooling PSU's aren't the only PSU's in the world worth buying.

Ugly Fortrons??? I'd like to know what you consider a "pretty" PS...
this is a sexy as I have seen them slick.
Speaking of blue, if you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn???
does anyone know if the OCZ 530W Powerstream is a good PSU? Is it reliable enough to run a high spec comp. i.e. one with a GeForce 6800Ultra
Mase said:
Speaking of blue, if you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn???

same as anyone else
purple :p

RoCkStAr* said:
does anyone know if the OCZ 530W Powerstream is a good PSU? Is it reliable enough to run a high spec comp. i.e. one with a GeForce 6800Ultra

those are Topower PSUs and are powerful and reliable ATX12V v1.3 supplies
however the new OCZ 600 watt was just pulled from store shelves as it was killing vidcards and failing to powerup
they where a damgaed lot or so they said, (though damage isnt what I would have attributed that to) this was their entry into the ATX12V v2.0 field

as far as powering a given config, see my link above
it depends