best power supply for <$200

PC Power and cooling 750W Quad. Phenomenal build quality and certified by nVidia to run that setup. The only draw back is no modular cabling (and it has a ton of cables..)
doh, i dunno why i didnt think of that, i always thought the PCP&C's were a lot more

thanks :)
Enermax Infiniti series and the Corsairs should also drop into your price range and are very good and quieter.

PC Power and cooling 750W Quad. Phenomenal build quality and certified by nVidia to run that setup. The only draw back is no modular cabling (and it has a ton of cables..)
You can buy for performance pcs and have them make it modular. Not sure how it would affect performance though.
The PCP&C 750 is "just" a seasonic. It's quite good, but i'd trust something else first. Silverstone Olympia / Zeus or Zippy, or Etasis, or.. or.. or..
The PCP&C 750 is "just" a seasonic. It's quite good, but i'd trust something else first. Silverstone Olympia / Zeus or Zippy, or Etasis,
All of which, including the PCP&C, are on jonnyGURU's Tier 1 list so I would have to agree with this as well. :cool:

- JT
PC Power and cooling 750W Quad. Phenomenal build quality and certified by nVidia to run that setup. The only draw back is no modular cabling (and it has a ton of cables..)

This is what I got for my E6600 with only one card......plenty of room for the future...You cant lose with a PCP&C....

I don't see the lack of modular as a drawback though..I see it as a plus)

Less points of resistance, and resistance is heat :)
That should be ok. IIRC, the Olympia had very small ripple. Personally, I would stay away from TD, go with DeadeyeData and use the coupon code jonnyguru (I think that is the right coupon code).
ya im not buying it from TD... i got a purchase order for some really high end machines @ work for who knows what and they specd "Ultra" powersupplies, and i was like... um... no...
There are applications where Ultra's would be fine. Hell, Jonny recommended and Ultra to me for my needs and I'm about to go order it.

- JT
Ultra makes decent psu's. Have a look at the [H] review for the X3.
Ultra makes decent psu's. Have a look at the [H] review for the X3.

thats also $100 over budget... the purchase order has already been signed, im looking for something thats exactly or less than $200...

and i dunno man, i have seen too many of those "500 watt" ultra powersupplies fail (some catching fire!) to trust an ultra...
The Andyson based X-Finity and 800W Ultra X-Pro are fine supplies as well.

- JT