Best pop up stopper?

i prefer using mozilla's browser. it has tabbed browsing also, which is handy. it blocks popups and doesnt have a lot of the security issues that windows internet explorer has. (from what im told)
Where.. theres Mozilla/Firebird

or if u wanna stick with IE core.. try MyIE2
Proxomitron. For everything an idiot on the net thinks up, you can deal with it :)

Use proxomitron- the mans solution.
If you want to still use IE then I'm going to agree with the others and say get the google toolbar.
I recently installed the Google Toolbar on my sister's comp and in less than two weeks has blocked 657 popups to date....not too shabby for free :cool:
Opera - I love this browser. Its now free so I would say Mozilla, or FireFox.

Google bar is pretty good too for IE.

Windows XP Service Pack 2 RC1 has a good popup stopper.
Another vote for Mozilla. We're stuck with having to use IE at work, so I use the google toolbar on it and it works well but is not nearly as configurable as Mozilla's.
Mozilla for me, please. I honestly didn't want to give it a chance, but my little bro convinced me on it. Firebird is pretty good, too, but I have problems sometimes getting media plugins to work right with it.
Another vote for the Google Toolbar.

Plus it makes it easier on searches. :D

To the one who said his sister has had 600~ popups blocked in 2 weeks, dang man I only have 1187 after 5 months.

Guess I need to go to random web sites. heh.
Originally posted by csims
Another vote for the Google Toolbar.

Plus it makes it easier on searches. :D

To the one who said his sister has had 600~ popups blocked in 2 weeks, dang man I only have 1187 after 5 months.

Guess I need to go to random web sites. heh.

the mozilla build i use has a google search bar built in to it. ive also added an amazon and ebay search bar. (its just a drop down menu so it doesnt take extra space)and if you select text and right click you can google search that and it pops up in a new tab. the google toolbar for ie does the text search too, but its a lot easier having a couple tabs open as opposed to a couple windows open. but thats just what i think.
I would say AnalogX's POW! but I am afraid some will say that sucks too.