Best paid Usenet provider


Limp Gawd
Nov 16, 2005
Which provider would you guys consider to be the cheapest and best in terms of getting an unlimited speed (or 3 megabit), unlimited GB per month, and decent retention (7days atleast)
jonw757 said:

I use to have them and they were pretty good. After that I had astraweb(I think that was it), now I have Powerusenet. So far I think they are better then both of the above. The binary retention is just better. Giganews seems to be the best and I know a few people that have it but powerusenet is like 10 bucks less a month so I've sticking with them. If I start having issues I'm going to end up with giganews.
Maxes out my 5MB connection (8 connections max)
Unlimited downloads
Retention is in the 45 day range, and completion seems fine to me

Been with them for a very long time, and zero complaints. I don't know if I've ever noticed any downtime.
I like Astraweb. I am a light user so their 90gB for $25 is the best deal around. I can take as many months as I want to download things I want as they come along. AND they max out my 5mb connection. They also have unlimited gigabytes with a 1mb speed cap at $10 a month, and Unlimited with no speed cap for $15 a month.
JBark said:
Maxes out my 5MB connection (8 connections max)
Unlimited downloads
Retention is in the 45 day range, and completion seems fine to me

Been with them for a very long time, and zero complaints. I don't know if I've ever noticed any downtime.
I have tested newshosting on an Internet2 connection and it maxes out the 5MB/sec..... thats megabyte per second.
Newshosting. Call in person/be convincing, and you get a reaaaaaly good deal. I paid $10/mo for unlimited GB/10 connections (I assume 10, I couldn't get NewsBin any higher) and regularly maxed out 8mbps Comcast and 12-15mbit uni pipes. Good stuff, cheap stuff.

Go there and read all about each newsgroup server.

I have tried many and giganews is the best. The most expensive but the best. Newshosting is a close second and probably the best bang for the buck. I have had both and I prefer Giganews.
Both Easynews and Newshosting are great.

It should be noted that Easynews gives you rollover as well.
I use Easynews and like it. The rollover is cool, because I dl stuff sporatically, and I usually have a lot of GBs left over from previous months.
Dont use it much since shut down.
I agree with daemionsos on using astraweb. I've been using them for over 2 years. Very rare downtimes. Cheap at $15/mo unlimited, and file retention imho, is some of the best I have seen with any news provider I have used. They also have fantastic speed, always max out my line at about 4.86mb. YMMV, but ive recommended several friends of mine and they love it as well. +

Awsome retention (I find frequently more than 50 days) Fast and never down.
NIVO said:
I agree with daemionsos on using astraweb. I've been using them for over 2 years. Very rare downtimes. Cheap at $15/mo unlimited, and file retention imho, is some of the best I have seen with any news provider I have used. They also have fantastic speed, always max out my line at about 4.86mb. YMMV, but ive recommended several friends of mine and they love it as well.

I'll agree they are good. I switched to them back when usenetserver was having issues. I switched to Powerusenet when I was having issues with astraweb(think it was a comcast issue but it was making me mad). Powerusenet seems to be better as far as retention goes and a tiny bit faster but astraweb was solid.
Another vote for Newshosting. Been using them for a year... I can easily max out a 100mbit connection, and 1000mbit at work would do pretty well if I had a faster hard drive :)
KarFai said:
Another vote for Newshosting. Been using them for a year... I can easily max out a 100mbit connection, and 1000mbit at work would do pretty well if I had a faster hard drive :)
100mbit? what are your 8 connections running at?