Best OS Resource books?


Jun 4, 2004
I want to get a resource book for Win7.

Even though I've been using windows since the 3.x days, I still feel like I should "master" it so to speak. I've never used it "professionally", only as a home user which mostly is used gaming, multimedia and surfing.

Im 31 years old and am going to make a career change to IT, so I thought it might be a good idea if I mastered windows 7 while I'm also brushing up for my A+ cert.

So my question is, with so many "experts" publishing books about the ins and outs of the OS, is there an author or publishing that is the go to standard? Are there ones to avoid?

I want to get a good book on it, but before I spend 40 bucks or more on one, I want to know I'm getting the best, or at least one of the best.

Any recommendations?
Ya I buy all my books used from amazon, the $40 comment was merely to help get my point across.
I'll second the recommendation for "Windows Internals" by Mark E. Russinovich and add another that I found somewhat useful: "Windows 7 Secrets" by Paul Thurrott and Rafael Rivera. It's basically the same as most other big huge OS books about Windows 7 but, Thurrott and Rivera have a more tolerable approach to presenting the info, in my opinion. Can't hurt to check out a sample at the Amazon page for the book located here.

There's tons of others but, there's no real reason to have a shelf full of various books all presenting the same basic info in different ways. Pick one that you "like" and run with it.

Not literally run, of course. ;)
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Windows Internals by Mark E. Russinovich

If you get this, and you master the knowledge within, you will be a Windows Master. It goes deep into the OS. I own the book and have gotten lost in it... It's a beast of a book, but a wealth of information. Dry, valuable information.!