Best LCD Setup for CAD/PShop Use


Nov 21, 2005
I need to know, between two choices, what is the ultimate LCD setup for graphic production? We have been given some budget requirements, and our choices are basically Dual Dell 2405FPWs, or a single 32" Samsung 320p.

We use CAD, GIS, Photoshop, and Illustrator applications, almost constantly changing (and multitasking) between them. I've done a few forum searches, and it seems you all really like the Dell 2405's, but what about vs the larger single 32"? I'm talking not only visual quality (color matching and representation, screen tearing or other artifacts) but also effectiveness in our apps.

Also, one of our GIS specialists is going to be getting a new machine soon (holiday goodies). What (realistically) would you all suggest for machine req's?
What's the resolution on the 320P? I found the 323T on samsungs website and that one is only 1280x768. Is the 320P higher?

If it is only 1280x768 definitely go dual 2405s. The difference in resolution will be a huge difference. Remember you can always zoom in to make things bigger.

A third option you may want to consider is one 2405 and two 2001's. It'll come out to be close to the same price and you'll have tons of desktop space for all your tools and image slices. (One of the guys I went to school with has this setup at home because he does a lot of graphic design freelance work which paid for it)

You'll have to get input on color representation from someone else, being a coder that's something I don't care about or put time into researching.
Actually, I was just informed that we weren't considering the Samsung anymore, but the comparable Sony FWD-32LX1/S. Either way, the res is 1600x1200 max. The 3 lcd option does sound very inviting though.
Another thing I just thought of is that it's easy to add another monitor, but it's hard to exchange one you have. So you can try getting a 24" monitor and let your developers try it. Then if they like it try setting up a dual display and see if they like that better. Then when you find out what they like, order the monitors for all your developers.

Whatever your workers like will be what makes them the most productive.
IMHO stay away from everying mentioned so far and consider only an LCD using a Super IPS panel from LG Phillips.

For example, the HP L2335.

An SIPS panel will always produce better colour fidelity than any MVA PVA or TN panel.

The only other top quality choice would be a professional monitor using the newest Lumiled technology like NEC SpectraView 2180WG-LED.