best gpu under $200...


Dec 6, 2008
hey im buying a new gpu later tonight...i need some advise on what to get. im on a $200 budget keep in mind and im open to any good ideas. ive read good and bad for both nvidia and ati so..
also just for running a 19" 1280x1024 for now, maybe adding a second monitor in a few months down the road in the 24" range. what gpu woudl i get the best out of currently for performance?
lol figured id get that response ;) ive heard plenty good about it. i just ordered one up on newegg for 235 ;) little bit more than i was hoping but ill deal. it seems well worth it. thanks guys.
I have a XFX 4890 I will sell for $200 shipped. If your interested and would like more details PM me.
Generally available prices - HD 4870 1GB or GTX 260. The occasional sale + rebate (I don't bank on those - the money's out of my pocket for months), HD 4890.
Even if the price is above $200 is the 4890 the best card out there where you don't have to pay a premium?
Even if the price is above $200 is the 4890 the best card out there where you don't have to pay a premium?

It's a matter of what you consider a "premium"... The 4890 is probably the best bang for your buck card out right now, seconded only by the dual GPU cards from ATi, and the GTX 295 from nVidia (and possibly the 285, too lazy to check)... but yea, the cards are nearly double the cost of what you can get a 4890 for.