Best Freeware and/or Indie Games?


May 31, 2007
I'm looking for some good distractions and was just wondering what you guys think are the best freeware and/or independent games out there?
played that game for ages lol, it was really addicting and I loved the level design. any more?
Had a lot of fun with Gish. Not free though.

I was going to plug N as well, but looks like someone beat me to it :) . Finished it the other day, after God knows how many years...
Audiosurf, acquired from Steam, is one of the best indie games out there. Its not free, but considering its only $10, I think its really worth it.
Structural Engineering Challenge - This game gets HARD [edit] Now it's time limited (30 days free) and it's not as intuitive as the way it used to work. Bummer.

WarHeads - The free version isn't nearly as good as the pay version. The premise is a bunch of ships sitting on planets and lobbing missiles (warheads) at each other. You can build your own weps (in the pay version) to make them much, much more powerful...

I haven't played WarHeads for years but it was a blast when I did.


Bridge Builder was fun, too. I liked the earlier versions the best.