Best DIY Home Network Camera System?


Limp Gawd
Mar 25, 2009
I am seeking feedback and help for setting up a home security system that will mainly be network cameras. They must be fairly compact to mount on walls in various rooms and also a water/element proof version for mounting some at outside doors. Also, they need to have a constant WiFi or CAT connection.

I need to be able to see the cams at any time, meaning over any internet connection or regular feeds when at home. Also, I would prefer it it had an iOS app too so I can check that way or control too if possible. It needs to have some off site storage and/or be able to send updates to my smartphone app when something is detected or as regular timed loops or snapshots.

I have seen some kits but wasn't sure what the newest models were or those at CES 2013 and wanted to get input on what to look at.
