Best Cooling via Air??


Oct 3, 2003
whats the best air cooling setup??? fan and sink

im liking the thermalright heat sink, but im wondering wich one is better, the standard one, or the one with the 3 heatpipes

and im clueless as to wich fan to use
i realy need to rember to log off of my friends sn, sorry for the confustion, im the one who made the thread
The thermalright SP-97 would be the top performing heatsink, combine that with a vantec tornado, and you are all set for good cooling, and to go deaf.

The new gigabyte 3D-cooler pro is also supposed to be quite the performer, though i have seen no head to head comparisons of the two.
Go with the Swiftech MCX462v, it'll cool well even with a comparatively low CFM fan.
Thermalright SP-97 w/ 92mm Vantec Tornado

Have fun trying to hear stuff after that setup :D
Thermalright SP-97 w/ 92mm Vantec Tornado beats or ties most water cooling setups :p
Heatsink + Tornado = loud. When will Vantec realize that they should make a Tornado that is quiet? The world awaits :D
I swear by the Zalman on my sig, quiet and my a64 3000+ wont go past 39 on load... This is quite and achivement if you realize that my ambient temperature is about 35 degrees celcius on any given day. (pretty hot down here....)
You can undervolt a tornado, but that's not really the problem. It is possible to make a fan that doesn't generate any noise when it slices through air, but it's very hard and costly to do that. And then, if a tornado is undervolted, it's not as effective as a quieter fan at full power. And the Zalman comes with a really quiet high rpm fan. So, if you combine the two... :D
Originally posted by M4d-K10wN
You can undervolt a tornado, but that's not really the problem. It is possible to make a fan that doesn't generate any noise when it slices through air, but it's very hard and costly to do that. And then, if a tornado is undervolted, it's not as effective as a quieter fan at full power. And the Zalman comes with a really quiet high rpm fan. So, if you combine the two... :D

Man you following me or something... jeje :)

I would get a tornado and undervolt it, its just too much trouble and the truth about this quote holds... Besides when i asemble my computer the place that i want more safety on is the cpu and hsf above it. Attaching fans, undervolting and such requiere too much fiddling around it...
Vantec 92mm Stealth Fan
Air Flow 28 CFM
Fan Speed 1750 RPM
Power 0.84 W
Bearing Type Dual Ball Bearing
Fan Size 92x92x25 MM
Noise Level 20 db

This very quiet fan and a Thermalright has been shown to offer the best cooling and no noise ;)
In all reviews the Thermalright with this fan is quieter and cools better than the zalman.

The Thermalright with a "Vantec Tornado 92mm High Output" has been shown to tie or beat watercooling...
Air Flow 119 CFM
Fan Speed 4800 RPM
Power 12.5 W
Bearing Type Dual Ball Bearing
Fan Size 92x92x38 MM
Noise Level 56.4 db
Hey chinoquezada! Your sigs only suppose to be (I think) 10 lines!

As for the whats the best cooling? It depends on what your will to except, a SP-97 with a Tornado strapped to it will rank right up there with many WC setups but your likely to go deaf.:D
SP-97, SLK 948U/ 900A, Zalman CNPS7000A-Cu, and the Swiftech one are all good choices but finding a good performing fan that is also near silent is hard. I have a Evercool 92mm fan that works great as an exhaust and I wouldn't mind getting one of their 80mm for a CPU fan.
Panaflo L1A is another good fan.
I have my SP-97 with a 92mm Tornado strapped on to it, it keeps my chip cool but yes it is indeed quite loud. Im currently running my 2500+ @ 3200+ speeds. Idle 35, load 38
sp-97 + 92mm vantec tornado here. it keeps my mobile 2400@2600 at 42C max under load. and this is at 2v. yes, i need 2v to keep this rock stable at 2600. still though, with this kind of cooling performance, why not. its sitting quietly in my walk-in closet.
I'm sick and tired of my Volcano 9, I was stupid when I bought it, I want to get the Sp-97 witha Vantec Tornado slowed down using Speedfan
Once again, there is no point in slowing down a tornado. You might as well just buy a quieter fan and run it at full rpm.
my vantec tornado + SP-97 is 25 degrees F cooler than the Zalman 7000-Cu( yes, it was properly installed and seated, etc...).

I'm not trying to troll here, please dont start a zalman fanboy war, I'm trying to show the SP-97's pimpness by comparing it to another GREAT heatsink.

I do really miss the quietness quietness though.
SLK-900(A) + 92mm x 38mm High Output Delta Fan 110cfm, yes wow is it loud and friken annoying. Under prime 95 and F@H it's rock solid 37 C.

ThE s[H]aDoW
Originally posted by boshi
my vantec tornado + SP-97 is 25 degrees F cooler than the Zalman 7000-Cu( yes, it was properly installed and seated, etc...).

I'm not trying to troll here, please dont start a zalman fanboy war, I'm trying to show the SP-97's pimpness by comparing it to another GREAT heatsink.

I do really miss the quietness quietness though.

This is the first time ive ever seen someone pull the "dont be a fanboy" line on a hsf... :p

I agree the tornado / sp97 does beat the zalman copper hsf, its just a matter of how much noise you are willing to take...
Originally posted by chinoquezada
This is the first time ive ever seen someone pull the "dont be a fanboy" line on a hsf... :p

I agree the tornado / sp97 does beat the zalman copper hsf, its just a matter of how much noise you are willing to take...

Vantec 92mm Stealth Fan
Air Flow 28 CFM
Fan Speed 1750 RPM
Power 0.84 W
Bearing Type Dual Ball Bearing
Fan Size 92x92x25 MM
Noise Level 20 db

With this fan there is no noise and you get better cooling ;)

In all the reviews I have saw it beat the Zalman in cooling and less noise :eek:
Vantec 92mm Stealth Fan + SP-97 is better then a Zalman?

Oooo I want to find a review on this
But the SP97 is incompatible with a64 mounting. And you can't drill a hole in it because of the stoopid heatpipe.
i have a 2400+ @ 2.5 GHz and it doesn't go over 30C at full load. But it's not in a case...yet. It's pretty loud, I'm about to replace it
i have seen this done on some serious oc's and they take the zalman and they mod a 92 tornado on top i heard that preforms the best.
did somebody say heatpipes?
performance is a little off sp97 but does it with a pair of
quiet led casefans

ps on an amd this hs looks like it could pull the socket right off
the board if transported
Aerocool DP-102. Does a wee bit better than the HT-101, it's just about as good as an SP-97 (maybe off a little bit) with two decently quiet 80 MM fans strapped to it's sides.

It's heavy, but I've never had a problem with it on my mobo. Slap two tornados on that motha (if you don't sleep with your computer on) and you're ready to go.

Different fan setups with that heatsink give different results. Sometimes Blow-Blow works best, sometimes Blow-Suck works best, and if you have different CFM fans, it gets even more complex. But it's a really nice heatsink for a decent price.