Best case for PS3 watercooled Rig


Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2008
Going to get a ps3, and going to remove the guts and watercool it. what would be a good pc case that will work with a ps3.
PS3's stock cooling is sufficient, with what I've done with it.
my PS3 runs folding when not in use, when it is in use, it uses network intensive games (such as Socom), if it gets to hot, the cooler that Nyko makes, for $30 is incredibly good for the PS3 and is not a waste of money, so if your afraid of heat, I would suggest getting a Nyko cooler!
Why not just get one of those Evercool fans that suck the air out of the ps3? Also all it needs a nice space around it, not a cramped space.
If your serious about it you should outline some plans, what size watercooling setup you want to use, how big do you want the case to be, and your budget. If you want to internalize all components then thats something we would need to know. The system runs cool enough with aftermarket fans apparently, but I have personally seen some watercooled ps3's. Asking why someone would want to do watercooling on this forum? Thats like asking someone in the line at mcdonald's if they are gonna get a cheeseburger.
How many PS3's have you read about dying from over heating? None that's how many. Why by those crappy Nyko coolers? Are Nyko's engineers smarter than Sony's? Do they understand something that the people that designed the PS3 don't? Making a water cooled PS3 for a challenge is something. But doing it because you think the PS3 will over heat and die while you are "pwning noobs" at COD4 is dumb. Don't keep your PS3 on a heat vent.
Sorry but if you go ahead and do this, i actually hope it fails. As said already, the PS3 has more than sufficient cooling and this project seems like an epeen extension, a waste of money and a waste of time.
Comon guys, if it CAN be done it WILL be done. Honestly I agree, its completely useless, but it still sounds like fun.
It sounds like a project to me. Sometimes, all you need is to have a project and no real reason to do anything. That's what makes it fun.

Hell, I threw my Xbox in an XB-01 with a Scythe SlipStream 120mm and added a 60mm fan to the CPU just to have something to play with.

Hoping someone's project fails is sad.
Hoping someone's project fails is sad.

I agree here, but its not just sad, its flat out rude.

I say water cool it and show us the before, during and after pics!!! :D People will always try to tell you if you don't need to do it, don't do it. But it would be a blast and thats what matters! I mean people water cool 360's, that i understand, but people that water cool a ps3 are doing it just for fun, something to do, and the e-peen! But either way its still awesome!
I have PS3. The case is VERY well designed - it doesn't get hot and it's not loud. You should get an XBOX360 if you want to redo the casing. it's worth it for that machine.
The air coming out the back of my PS3 is pretty darn hot... Just as warm as what's coming out of my Xbox. I'm sure it gets just as warm, but it's a much more solid build. When the PS3 fan kicks on high, it's louder than any 360 I've heard, but for the most part it isn't 'loud'.
Why would you ever want someone's project to fail?

Seriously? We're in the CASE MODDING FORUM.

That's like saying, "Why would you want to mod your case? It works perfectly fine as is."

If everyone thought that way, everyone would have standard cases with nothing extra done to it.
Well, judging by Rossi's 31 days here at [H], he probably got caught up with the other posters' comments and thought he could really put the message over the top with that rude comment. I don't post that often but it's posts like that that make me have a love/hate relationship with internet forums.

If the OP wants to do this project I say more power to him. I would suggest however that he at least plays with the machine for a period of time before deciding to put that much extra time and money in it. I for one love my PS3, but quickly found out it doesn't get used enough to warrant something like external mods, even a $30 cooler.