Best card to get in August 2010


Apr 1, 2006
My birthday is in August and im not really sure if I want to upgrade my graphics card. Its a Might/ Might not upgrade situation but anyways say I were to upgrade. What card would be good at $200 or under.

I like my 3870 but its mainstream now and I cant keep up with my friends GTS 250's......:rolleyes:

I would like it to be:
-Stock cooler that will ACTUALLY kick in when it gets hot, NOT when its 80c and then it kicks in.
-Would like to use the Scythe USA SCVMS-1000 Sleeve VGA Cooler, if it supports it. If not then ....meh
-It has to beat my brothers GTS 250OC in most games will everything maxed out. hehe;)

the 5850 might get down to $250 if fermi ever comes out. if you can save up and pay the extra for the card, that one will defiantly put the gts to shame.

but then again thats in six to seven months. things are gonna change alot
Agreed, way too early bud, but i must admit I'm real anxious for some fresh products along with a price war.
yeah, wait at least till fermi releases and refreshes hit.
Dude why are you asking for something that we have no idea would be out. 2 months ahead is fine, but anything longer then that is totally up in the air.
-Stock cooler that will ACTUALLY kick in when it gets hot, NOT when its 80c and then it kicks in.
-Would like to use the Scythe USA SCVMS-1000 Sleeve VGA Cooler, if it supports it. If not then ....meh

Why do you care about the stock cooler if you're going to replace it with an aftermarket cooler?
We wont know until Aug, there's going to be the Fermi release soon, and then probably refreshes from both sides before August, plus hopefully an aggressive price war.
Hopefully increased competition from nVidia will bring lower prices all around, but until it's clear how worthy the newest nVidia cards are, it'll be a hard guess.
I wasn't thinking clearly last night, sorry people.

I meant to say what the best 5000 series card to get in August?
Still your not going to get a clear answer because refreshes are going to be coming out soon, probably price dropd on whats out now, and then we have yet to see wtf Fermi is going to turn out to be a dud or a stud, you just have to research what you think you need/want and can afford and dive in and be prepared for buyers remorse a couple months later when it become obsolete like the rest of us....haha
There better be price wars, both ati and nv got nailed for price fixing awhile back.
Ya mon! Dat be no problehm for me. Ya! Da grafix card yoo be wantin' be dah GTX460 mon! 199.99$ just in ya price range mon!

I wasn't thinking clearly last night, sorry people.

I meant to say what the best 5000 series card to get in August?

Depends on your $$. Like others I'd have to imagine the price on 5850's would come down by then.
this thread, way too early :D

Yep, august is 5 months from now. Let me just grab my crystal ball out of my desk drawer and give it a peek.

Who the hell knows what will be available by then and what price they will be. This thread makes me chuckle a bit
For that you would need a Delorean outfitted with a flux capacitor and powered by nuclear reactor. I wish you luck.

Don't plan a purchase so far ahead. Prices will drop and new cards will be released by that time.