Best card solution for twin 30" Apple displays?


Limp Gawd
Aug 24, 2005
I'm building a system for a co-worker out of state who has two 30" Apple Cinema Displays.

Do I basically need to do something like Crossfire 4870X2's to realistically be able to drive both of those at native resolution? The primary application is going to be Flight Simulator X (we're both developers for an FS addon company) but he does want to play other games at native res too. FSX is very CPU limited so it might not matter for that, but I'm assuming it will if he tries to play Crysis or something on this right?

I'm a little confused reading on Apple's site, which claims both connectors from the card need to be hooked up to the 30" display for it to work, but he's telling me right now that he is driving both screens each using one DVI port on his single 8800GT.

I'd say you'll just have to get the best dual card setup you can afford to "effectively" run a game like crysis at that rez. What is the rez anyways?
4870x2 should be enough for both... :D

I've read crossfire 4870x2's is no where near worth it... (like 5-10% increase for 2x the cost)

I may be looking to grab one once I get my 3007WFP
IIRC, you need 2 DVI ports for 1 monitor if your going to run at 2560x1600, see if he is currently running at 1920x1200 and if he is slap him.
you need a dual link DVI port, (most modern video cards come wiht them) so no, you dont need 2 dvi ports to run 2560x1600.
you need a dual link DVI port, (most modern video cards come wiht them) so no, you dont need 2 dvi ports to run 2560x1600.

thanks for correcting me. I'm not a member of the 30" club... yet. :p