best camera for tiny stuff?


Feb 18, 2001

whats the best camera for stuff like this?
People can't really give you meaningful suggestions unless you give a price range as well...
Yes, yes and add one of these lenses and one of these flashes wouldn't hurt either. $6,300 total and you'll have awesome pictures of sea monkeys :p
May I add something here? How could he know for himself by looking at descriptions of the camera which is best? I don't know myself.
Well the assumption is that he wants a camera with good macro, so he'd just have to read a lot of reviews of cameras in his price range and see which has the best macro performance (and whatever else he is interested in).

Just off the top of my head the Nikon CoolPix 4500 would be a good place to start, but once again without knowing how much he wants to spend who knows if that's a viable option or not.
Originally posted by CANiSLAYu
Yes, yes and add one of these lenses and one of these flashes wouldn't hurt either. $6,300 total and you'll have awesome pictures of sea monkeys :p

anyone that pays that much obviously doesnt have "people"
Originally posted by nutxo
what are the main differences between the 10d and 1d?

1D MKII has 8.2 mp and 8.5 fps with a 1.3x crop and a pro body and tons of other amazing stuff

10D has 6.3 mp and 3 fps with a 1.6x crop and a nice body, but no where near the 1D

the 1D mk2 is the most amazing camera out right now
Originally posted by Mr_Bucket
1D MKII has 8.2 mp and 8.5 fps with a 1.3x crop and a pro body and tons of other amazing stuff

10D has 6.3 mp and 3 fps with a 1.6x crop and a nice body, but no where near the 1D

the 1D mk2 is the most amazing camera out right now
Fixed your typo ;)
Originally posted by CANiSLAYu
Fixed your typo ;)
doh, ive been up since 5 am this morning and spent a total of 8 hours on a bus and the rest of the time snowboarding, im dead tired
You mean like this?

Taken with a Niklon Coolpix 995 of a moving target. There are more close ups and, macros at my homepage.
very nice, how big is that thing, the seamonkeys are liek 1/8 of an inch long
Yeah the 995 is a very very affordable solution for good macro work, it is considered one of the best in fixed lense P&S digicams

and bucket, the freaking MKII is not out right now
Originally posted by btb103
Yeah the 995 is a very very affordable solution for good macro work, it is considered one of the best in fixed lense P&S digicams

and bucket, the freaking MKII is not out right now
you dont have to be so hostile about it, its only a month or two