Best bang for the buck 939 mobo


Oct 1, 2005
Ive been having some RAM issues with my evga motherboard and I want another board. I dont know much about motherboards just good names. I wanna know the best bang for the buck MOBO. My system is in my sig.
You might want to hold off a bit on that idea..eVGA is supposed to be coming out with a new BIOS to (hopefully) address some memory issues (and with any luck address issues w/ the temp sensors and/or make the BIOS more DFI-like) within the next 1-2 weeks. If you must switch, I'd try the DFI LP Ultra-D - should still be moddable to SLI, if you end up upgrading that way in the future.
im gonna RMA the evga board tomorrow morning and get a new one. I definitely want something else. DFI sounds ive seen a lot of hot lookin PCs have them inside like revenants.
my abit ax8 for 55 shipped sound good? works great! have used corsiar value ram and ocz so far.
I'm using some old PNY Verto 3500. It''s working great as long as I leave all the BIOS settings for memory on auto. If I try setting them manually things get goofy, but the FSB is @230 x 12 for 2760mhz. on a 4000+ with an AC 64 pro. Since this memory isn't even a matched set for dual channel I'm pretty happy. I also have 2 more sticks, so I can run 2 gb of memory if I want! Just try putting all the memory settings on auto and give it another go. Good luck!