Best bang for 200-300 bucks?


Jun 7, 2004
Evenin' all..

Getting ready to put together a kickass computer surrounding the quad core i7 CPU and likely an EVGA motherboard with 6 gig of ram... big stumbling block is the video card. I've not been following the video card leg of the tech sector lately, frankly because most of it is so far out of my reach it's not worth the wasted drool. :rolleyes:

Simply put, I'm looking for a NVidia GeForce card that is the best bang for the buck at around $300 max. I do plenty of gaming, so dropping a couple hundred on a decent card isn't a problem.. just not sure what to get. Thanks folks :)
+1 for gtx285 after rebate.. You dont want to know howwwww much i paid for my gtx280 and then forgot to send in the mir lol...
What resolution will you be playing at? And do you plan on keeping this resolution for a while to come or upgrading?
You might be able to find a kick ass deal on a gtx 280 if you look around. It isn't much different from the gtx 285 and it can be found for significantly cheaper if you look around. I got my three gtx 280s for $650 total.
I play on my 1080P HDTV, but often I only go as far as 720P because of current hardware limitations. I don't plan on upgrading my HDTV anytime soon. Thanks for all the replies.