Best 939 processor?


Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2005
What is the best 939 processor out right now?
And is it affordable? Thanks.
I believe it's the FX-60, as for affordability, retail is $300+, if you can find it.
that would be the fx-60 or the opty185

i chose the latter, much easier to find.

i upgraded from an x2 4400+, and glad i did, the difference is night and day.
imho, an opteron 165 or 170 was the best. Granted, stock clocks aren't the highest, but these chips with certain steppings can overclock waaaaay past a 185 or fx60
Funny story, true story, when I went to get my Opty 165, there were 3 to choose from. Two of which were 0615 and one was 0610. I chose one of the 0615s because I forgot what people said about the 0610. But it's all good. I got to 3.0 on this bad boy. As for the OP...get an Opty 165 and OC it granted your mobo allows you to OC high.
I got one 170 CCBBE 0615 and does not overclock over 2750 :eek: (haven't tried high volts yet, but I get 2700 at 1.4v and with 1.48 reachs only 2750)
If you wanna spend a bit less (and save for your next quad core machine ;)), you can still buy a Toledo x2 4200.
Mine clocks from 2.2GHz to 2.85GHz with a voltage tweak and a £6 cooler!
Agreed. Especially the 0610's. Get one of you can find one.

The 610's, eh?

I have something near that, at least. My mobo isn't too stable past 300 FSB, so my poor 616 is bottlenecked at 2.7 ghz when I know it can make 3.0 :(
The 610's, eh?

I have something near that, at least. My mobo isn't too stable past 300 FSB, so my poor 616 is bottlenecked at 2.7 ghz when I know it can make 3.0 :(

I hear ya. my motherboard will only do about 282 max, and 275 is stable 24/7.
Between my useless ocing skills and this board's instability after 275 HTT, i can't OC my 165 that far.

What about the best 939 CPU that you just want to leave stock and not overclock?
Gotta love the CCBBEs

CCBBE 0615 FTW!!


Cpu in sig.
I love my 185... So far I'm at 3250 (13x250) at default volts with a TT Typhoon VX (dual primes give me max 49c). So I must give my thumbs up for 185 even if it's at default speeds.
And those processors DEMAND to be oc'd!!!
Agreed. It seems a bit of a waste to NOT overclock these things, even a top-grade FX-60 or Opteron 185. They LOVE overclocking, and even the crappiest of boards can handle even a bare minimum of overclock. Why not do it, it's 'free' speed and all? Hell, you could probably get a decent boost on a slight undervolt too, and not have to worry at all about heat.

Remember kids, it's not the overclocking itself that kills the CPU (assuming cooling is respectable...), it's when you start putting way over stock volts into it that you have to start worrying. And backing a bit off the 'bleeding edge' clocks for safe measure, you've got nothing to worry about. Besides, what difference is it between 10 years of life, vs. 9 years? (No you smart asses, not the 1 year; I mean by the end of it's life we'll probably be FAR past it in 'new' tech).
I was able to sell my s939 motherboard, opteron 180, and 2x1gb DDR3200 for a AM2 mobo, 6000+ and 2x1gb DDR2 5300...

averall I ended with faster than any s939 option I had. I think I paid $60 out of my pocket on top of the profits form the sale.
If you wanna spend a bit less (and save for your next quad core machine ;)), you can still buy a Toledo x2 4200.
Mine clocks from 2.2GHz to 2.85GHz with a voltage tweak and a £6 cooler!

2.8GHz on the same, XP-90 and no voltage increase! ;)
Those of you overclocking where you have it in your Sig at around 10x270...or higher, is that the actual FSB for your RAM? Or is that being divided out somewhere to something more reasonable?

I'm just curious, because I have some OCZ with a max of 250mhz, and I'm not sure where that would leave me OC wise.

Say if I bought an Opty 170/175?
To get my old 3000+ to 2.6GHz I had to set the old ram to DDR266 and it ended up running about 390MHz

I set my new ram to DDR 333 for overclocking my 4200+ to 2.8GHz, the ram ends up running at 466MHz
Those of you overclocking where you have it in your Sig at around 10x270...or higher, is that the actual FSB for your RAM? Or is that being divided out somewhere to something more reasonable?

I'm just curious, because I have some OCZ with a max of 250mhz, and I'm not sure where that would leave me OC wise.

Say if I bought an Opty 170/175?
I put my memory on a 5:6 divider. Since memory performance on the K8s scale directly with the speed of the RAM a divider can be a big help with overclocking and have little to no noticeable impact on performance.

In my case, I can't really use a divider lower than 5:6 and actually get anything out of it. My mobo is really finnicky with dividers.
Those of you overclocking where you have it in your Sig at around 10x270...or higher, is that the actual FSB for your RAM? Or is that being divided out somewhere to something more reasonable?

I'm just curious, because I have some OCZ with a max of 250mhz, and I'm not sure where that would leave me OC wise.

Say if I bought an Opty 170/175?

I have mine 1:1 with 2x1gig hxperX @275 2.75 volts....thats 570 speeds. I have owned ddr500 that would not do that. If yours does 250 that would be 2.5 with the 10x divider. Is the s754 3400 10x?
Thanks for the info.

I'll be attempting to squeeze some performance out of a Shuttle SN95G5 v3 as my last gasp to squeeze all remaining juice out of my agp/ddr setup.

Wish me luck, I'm hoping to hit around 2.6 - 2.8, depending on the processor I actually get ahold of.