Best 24" for 1920x1200? (IPS or PVA/MVA) Upgrade Dell 2405 FPW?


Jul 22, 2004
So... I've purchased a Planar SA2311W which is a 120 Hz 3D monitor.

The 120 Hz is almost life-changing but I hate the 23" 16x9 aspect ratio and while the 3D looks breathtaking, I'm not sure I could wear glasses every single time I want to play a game.

However, the Planar SA2311 is a TN panel and next to my Dell 2405 FPW (IPS)... it looks MUCH better?!?

The Dell 2405 FPW is over six years old at this point so I'm guessing that it's pretty outdated.

Anyways - what would be a significant upgrade from my Dell?

I'd like the following:

* 24" (true 24" and not 23" or 23.6")
* 1920x1200
* Normal RGB (not the "wide color" that some monitors offer; I tried one and it was awful)
* Significant upgrade from the Dell 2405 FPW
* HDMI input
* Decent for gaming (under 30ms input lag since that's what my Dell 2405 has and I don't notice it too much)
* Will be used "mostly" for gaming but I'm not a hardcore gamer what-so-ever

Thanks for any suggestions... I'm not sure if I will keep the Planar SA2311W but I'm just looking for other options, etc.
The Dell 2405 was my first monitor. I sold it after a week. It is PVA not IPS, it also has the worse lag of any monitor I ever experienced, I later replaced it with an NEC 2490 that has about 30 ms of input lag and it never bothered me at all so I am sure the 2405 is higher than 30ms. It also had unbelievable motion smearing.

Anything you can buy would be better IMO.

Dell U2412 would be my choice it has extremely low lag and has everything else you want except HDMI, but DVI/HDMI are the same thing, so unless you need two of them, you are covered. HP ZR24W is another that meets criteria in a similar way, but again no dual DVI(HDMI).

If you need dual DVI(HDMI) you could look at the Dell U2410 for more money. It is wide gamut though(has an sRGB emulation mode). I can't think of any dual DVI normal gamut 1920x1200 screens.
I recommend Fujitsu P24W-6 IPS, if you live in Europe.
I'm from the USA... I remember looking at the NEC 2490 a while ago but it's incredible pricey ($900 - $1000) and it's wide gamut. Although, maybe for that kind of money the sRGB emulation is actually really good but I don't know.

I am surprised to hear you say that Dell 2405FPW is a really terrible monitor. I always thought people regarded it as really good but again, I really don't know much at all about monitors :(
I'm from the USA... I remember looking at the NEC 2490 a while ago but it's incredible pricey ($900 - $1000) and it's wide gamut. Although, maybe for that kind of money the sRGB emulation is actually really good but I don't know.

I am surprised to hear you say that Dell 2405FPW is a really terrible monitor. I always thought people regarded it as really good but again, I really don't know much at all about monitors :(

NEC 2490 is normal gamut not wide gamut. I was a bit shocked because the reviews at the the time said the 2405 was great, but that isn't what experienced.

When I was looking for a normal gamut IPS there really was no choice back then but the Nec, 2490. Now there are much lower priced alternatives(like the U2412). Do you need two DVI/HDMI??
If you need dual DVI(HDMI) you could look at the Dell U2410 for more money. It is wide gamut though(has an sRGB emulation mode). I can't think of any dual DVI normal gamut 1920x1200 screens.

There's also the Asus PA246Q, which has DVI + HDMI and the wide gamut like the U2410. I believe they're the same panel, but the PA246Q is $100 cheaper and supposedly a minor improvement on the U2410.
Well, I don't mind paying a small premium for a Dell monitor since I do really like them overall.

However, how does the sRGB emulation look on the Dell U2410? (or Asus PA246Q)

The last time I tried wide gamut was the Dell 2408 and it looks awful compared to my Dell 2405.

I don't do any color work so I really don't need wide gamut at all...
Well, I don't mind paying a small premium for a Dell monitor since I do really like them overall.

However, how does the sRGB emulation look on the Dell U2410? (or Asus PA246Q)

The last time I tried wide gamut was the Dell 2408 and it looks awful compared to my Dell 2405.

I don't do any color work so I really don't need wide gamut at all...

How many LCD monitors users are pro photographers or work for glossy magazines (where wide gamut is useful)?
In "round figures": no one needs wide gamut.
BTW sRGB color work is also color work.:)

Back to your question.
The only WG monitors with real sRGB emulation are 3 top NECs (PA series) and probably their analogs from Eizo.
So far the rest of the "world of emulation" is profanation.
Forget WG monitors if you want less pain with your new purchase.
I would say the dell U2410 definitely has much better emulation than the 2408, but it is still somewhat limited. Imaging controls are mostly locked in sRGB mode.

Do you really need dual DVI/HDMI? If not check out the U2412.
Dell U2412m is not for games, evident reverse ghosting and overdrive trailing.
Asus Pa246q is the best choise.
Bear in mind that Senna has be trolling the U2412 thread since it started, long before anyone anywhere had one, and he has still never seen one.

There are numerous U2412 owners in the thread now and reactions from actual owners are more positive than for almost any other monitor I can recall:

This really does appear to be a very good all around monitor for a reasonable price.

It would be my first stop unless your need Dual DVI/HDMI capability.
Same boat.Still deciding which way to go.Been leaning toward the Asus but with the recent release of the U2412 I might get a few of those.
I'm from the USA... I remember looking at the NEC 2490 a while ago but it's incredible pricey ($900 - $1000) and it's wide gamut. Although, maybe for that kind of money the sRGB emulation is actually really good but I don't know.

I am surprised to hear you say that Dell 2405FPW is a really terrible monitor. I always thought people regarded it as really good but again, I really don't know much at all about monitors :(
The 2405fpw and the later 2407wfp and 2408wfp are fine monitors. Snowdog trolls pretty much any threads that has the word VA uttered in it. Hes allowed to not like them but hes beaten the VA dead horse way beyond the acceptable limit.
The 2405fpw and the later 2407wfp and 2408wfp are fine monitors. Snowdog trolls pretty much any threads that has the word VA uttered in it. Hes allowed to not like them but hes beaten the VA dead horse way beyond the acceptable limit.

Total nonsense. I often post VA monitor threads for those interested with no hint of anything negative.

You know like this recent one (that you posted in), where I started a thread just to say Dell has a bunch of VA monitors coming for those interested.

The 2405 is the first LCD I ever purchased so I have first hand experience. I was shocked how laggy/ghosty this LCD was. I have owned 5 panels and seen many others and I have never seen anything that had such high lag and image smear/ghosting.

Everyone has different tolerance for Lag/Smearing/ghosting, so the 2405 was fine for many people and in its day it was among the highest reviewed monitors.

The main point is that someone coming from a 2405 has nothing to fear in just about any modern monitor of any type in terms of lag/smearing/ghosting as they should all be much better.

It isn't like I am trying to keep people from buying a monitor from 5 years in the past. :rolleyes:
The 2405 was considered good probably cause there was not anything else avaliable in its price range at the time, same goes for the U2410 when it came out. There was nothing else in a similar price range hence the glowing reviews+popularity.

My vote goes to the 2412, only thing wrong with it is the AG coating and QC, but Dell has great customer service.
The 2405 was considered good probably cause there was not anything else avaliable in its price range at the time, same goes for the U2410 when it came out. There was nothing else in a similar price range hence the glowing reviews+popularity.

My vote goes to the 2412, only thing wrong with it is the AG coating and QC, but Dell has great customer service.

AG is subjective but you forgot not as good viewing angles being e-ips which is not.
I won't pretend to be an expert but reviewers that actually experience all these monitors first-hand, unlike most forum enthusiasts, seem to really like the Asus PA246Q.

Edit: Removed URLs because one of them was censored for some reason.
I'm still using a Dell 2405 that I purchased back in the day for a pretty penny. 5 yes, *five* years ago it was a pretty banging monitor for the price. I think I paid like 600 dollars for it? This in the time when a 17" LCD was still pretty "fancy"

I'm pretty sure that the backlight on mine isn't near as strong as it used to be, i'm in no huge rush to upgrade (due to finances) but I'm considering a 27" Samsung monitor at the end of the year.

I'm rather disappointed that everything these days is moving to a 1080p hight specification. Yes I know on the super high end of things you can get awesome x1600 and x1280 monitors, but sadly I'm on a budget.

24" is nice -- I would like something a spot bigger though this tim around. And I've always loved Samsung hardware (had a 46" LCD of theirs years ago that was great)