beowulf cluster project suggestions


Limp Gawd
Aug 28, 2004
I have 2 weeks to write a program for a 7node 14 proc. Beowulf cluster, but I'm not sure what to do. Anyone have a good suggestion as to what to program? I would love to do something regarding music but I can think of an application. Give me some ideas. Keep in mind I only have 2 weeks to program. If you're wondering I'm programming in C with MPI.
is this kind of a "hello world" mpi program, or are you pretty familiar with mpi by now and looking to do something interesting?

distributed matrix-matrix or matrix-vector multiply is a pretty good starting point for parallel programming.

you can also do things like numerical integration where each logical node sums up a portion of the interval you're integrating over. great application of MPI_Reduce(). converges on a stable value pretty quickly however, when you dont use arbitrary precision arithmetic.

as far as interesting stuff regarding music, you might look into distributed fast fourier transform methods to do a fourier analysis on a sample of music. might be kinda hairy figuring out how to sample the music though, never dealt with anything like that....or FFT's for that matter.
I'm not too familiar but I have done the basics, hello world, matrix multiply, tail tag and that sort of thing. FFT sounds like it may be cool. I would have to really look into that cause I too haven't ever dealt with something like that.