Beat Doom -> Miffed about Nightmare difficulty...


Limp Gawd
Mar 8, 2004
DEAD THINGS AREN'T COMING BACK TO LIFE AFTER I SHOOT THEM!!!!!!!! What the hell! The entire time I was playing, I was thinking to myself: ,jeez I can't wait for nightmare so I'll have to rush and won't be able to regroup. Imagine my surprise after I beat the game, start it again on nightmare... and ZOMBIES STAY DEAD! Frankly, I'm a little disappointed. In the alpha/leaked/thing, I figured the difficulty was set to nightmare, as things you kill would get up after shooting them, but to no avail in the final game (I realize with the backtracking you have to do in levels, it would have got cramped real fast, but I ,just expected things to revive, and a little warning before it would let me play letting me know that the difficulty level I chose wasn't even remotely fair).

Also, anyone else think the ma,jority of the bosses (especially the last one) were really easy? There was no point where you had to unload all the ammo of all your guns into one thing to get it to die (i.e. cyberdemons from the original). It was more so, spend 3 deaths finding the right method of killing a boss, 4th life - victory.

Well regardless, I thoroughly en,joyed the game, even though it was pretty easy (started in veteran mode). I would suggest to anyone who hasn't played it yet, and who's planning to, start out on veteran. And ENJOY!

P.S. Quake1 had the best difficulty selection menu. Actually being in-game, and walking through the slipgates. Brilliant! And the secret one you had to drop to, for the hardest difficulty. It was such an innovative approach, and I'm a little let down no new method was conceived for choosing difficulty in D3.
I was a bit disapointed the enemys don't come back on nightmare, but I assume this was done so as not to make the level overcrowded and bringing some systems to their knees completely. So in turn they made it MUCH harder by having your health drop to 25% and gave you the Soul Cube to start. As for a warning about how hard nightmare is, I think the name of the difficulty level should be sufficient warning. After playing the leaked alpha then playing the retail version I was also disapointed that the demons just burned away and the zombies disintegrate from a shotgun blast. Whats the point of having an awesome physics engine if the enemy is going to burn up or explode to bits before they go tumbling down the stairs from your shotgun blast? The alpha was cool because you could pump a few rounds into the zombies while they were down and the fat zombies gut jiggled in a gross realistic way.

There are many things that were in the alpha and not in the retail that people have mentioned. However, no one has mentioned the insanley cool and gruesome cutscene that kicks in if you let the Hell Knight kill you. If anyone has the alpha still and don't know what I'm talking about because you killed the Hell Knight, I suggest you replay it and let him kill you. The cutscene will blow your mind. I really wish this had been in the retail version.

As far as the bosses go, I agree with you. I was disapointed that each boss could be easily defeated by exploiting 1 weakness a couple times. This was quite the opposite of the original Doom games, where you had to win by using a ton of ammo.

I still bought the game and enjoyed it thoroughly.
The cut scene you mentioned in the alpha is INCREDIBLE. If you showed people that (during the D3 wait), they would immediately begin the calendar marking. If I find somewhere to post it, maybe I'll make a video of the cut scene we're referencing so people who avoided the alpha can taste the sweet sweet nectar too.
Could you hook me up with the alpha? I already have the game, beat it, ect... I just wanna check out this *bad ass* cut scene!
Must make mod.

The Cyberdemon in 1 never took all your ammo to kill, hell there were plenty enough rocket boxes in one room alone to kill him 3x over.
No the cyber demon never took ALL of your ammo to kill, but it did take a lot. Which isn't really the case in Doom3.

I would like to add something else that doom3 did not have that almost all the teaser videos showed. A scene where a Hell Knight grabbed a chainsaw zombie that was in its way and hurled him at a wall onto a bunch of barrels. Not once throughout the entire game did I ever see a hell knight throw an enemy out of its path.
There aren't enough hellknights, they show up too late in the game. And I'm with you about the disintegrating...ashame the physics weren't used better in this game. Painkiller physics are much better, which is funny cause I always played that and thought doom would OWN.
yeah how come all the cool bits arent in the actual game? but in leaked alpha?
hell knight death scene was mad, even when that evil dog came out of wall, n bathroom part, etc. n "i smell fear.."
oozish said:
There aren't enough hellknights, they show up too late in the game. And I'm with you about the disintegrating...ashame the physics weren't used better in this game. Painkiller physics are much better, which is funny cause I always played that and thought doom would OWN.

um, dont painkiller and doom3 use the same physics engine? and you only say that cause of the stakegun in painkiller. maybe ill make a stakegun for doom3, then youll see. get the ungibbable mod, put on god mode and all weapons, and fuck with bodies.
kronchev said:
um, dont painkiller and doom3 use the same physics engine? and you only say that cause of the stakegun in painkiller. maybe ill make a stakegun for doom3, then youll see. get the ungibbable mod, put on god mode and all weapons, and fuck with bodies.

They both use Havok I think...but just cause they use the same engine doesn't mean the physics will be equally cool. My point was the physics was much more interactive and noticeable in game in painkiller than in doom. Especially the stake gun :)

But also barrels, things to break...u know, interactivity. I think HL will really push this too, and it used HAVOK as well.

Note: I think the physics in DOOM is's just not showcased like it could be.
From what I understand the Doom 3 physics are proprietary (sp?) and were created by id. NOT the Havok engine.
The physics engine is not Havok for Doom 3.

Definately when I get back home in a week I'm planning to look at fixing zombies so they fake being dead (of course at the time will have to get rid of the disintegration for them except for weapons like the Plasma Gun, BFG, and say my flamethrower :p).
hmm... it's interesting, but you don't have to play through the game to get nightmare difficulty, you know? it's just a setting in the .cfg file, if you want to awful, painful experience right off :D
TheJuice said:
There are many things that were in the alpha and not in the retail that people have mentioned. However, no one has mentioned the insanley cool and gruesome cutscene that kicks in if you let the Hell Knight kill you. If anyone has the alpha still and don't know what I'm talking about because you killed the Hell Knight, I suggest you replay it and let him kill you. The cutscene will blow your mind. I really wish this had been in the retail version.

I'm a little bit confused. The Hell Knight in the alpha I played just walks by at the end of the the first map, e3/e3. If you shoot at it it doesn't even notice you. Just walks by and then disappears into a wall. Is this the same alpha we are talking about ?
When he kills you he picks you up, rips off your head, and puts it in his mouth.
Arseface said:
When he kills you he picks you up, rips off your head, and puts it in his mouth.
Are you shitting me? I need to see this.
...are you guys talking about the Hellknight that kills you by ripping off your head and you end up seeing your own headless body drop to the floor?
Joose said:
...are you guys talking about the Hellknight that kills you by ripping off your head and you end up seeing your own headless body drop to the floor?

Yup thats exactly what I am talking about. He rips your head off you see your own body drop to the floor spewing blood out the neck then the head is turned towards the hell night and he chomps down on it! :D
man, if someone could post a video of this awesome cutscene that would rule. my system isn't powerful enough to play doom 3 yet :(