BC2 Vietnam


Fully [H]
Aug 3, 2004
So, came out yesterday, who owns it, should i be buying it for $15?

is it worth it at all, what more does it add to the game, i would love a modern day WWII game to play with nice gfx and such.

I do love BC2, i wont deny it, ilove the new map cold war......
Yea I preordered it awhile ago on Steam. It's not on my list anymore, wtf...restarting steam.

Edit: Still not there...Dang it.
You select it in-game. Start up BC2 like normally, then there is a button on the main screen. Kind of like switching between SP and MP in COD.

Anyway, it's alright. I was kind of expecting more. I suppose for an extra $15 it is worth it.

I am more looking forward to the RO2 Vietnam mod, In Country. Looks much much better than the Frostbite engine.
You select it in-game. Start up BC2 like normally, then there is a button on the main screen. Kind of like switching between SP and MP in COD.

I don't have the steam version of BC2. Yes, I know it says right on there page you need the steam version of BC2. I preordered it the day it came out, without realizing it. I was told it would still work, but I guess not.

All I need is the activation code...
I dont have the steam versions of either.

I started playing when it went live.

The maps and feel seem more polished than bc2 vanilla, it seems pretty easy to kill people even in softcore with a m21 or m40 or even an ak with iron sites.

I like it alot, nice maps and the tanks are MAD
I don't have the steam version of BC2. Yes, I know it says right on there page you need the steam version of BC2. I preordered it the day it came out, without realizing it. I was told it would still work, but I guess not.

All I need is the activation code...

You need to contact Steam support. The issue is that it would give you the code as part of the BC2 entry with the steam overlay from inside the game, but you don't have BC2 on Steam so it can't give you the code that way.
they changed the way they did business regarding this game sometime after the 8th I think. After that, you couldn't even buy the Vietnam game if you didn't own STEAM BC2. Like you all, I didn't own it on steam (D2D) and never received notice that my purchase (Vietnam) was bad. They gladly took the money. It was in my "in game" screen forever. Showed up as pre-order of course and even shows as a purchase on the purchase page today. However, today the "in game" pre-order disappeared.

It would say "play" on the purchase page but clicking it did nothing....no code was emailed to me either.

My only solution was to buy Bc2 again. My third copy now to make the Vietnam game effing work. I have two kids so I can justify eating the costs to play the game but not everyone can.

STEAM didn't make any announcement that I know of and certainly didn't mail anybody regarding the purchase they made. In my case, Dec 3 was pretty early and I haven't checked back since so unless I get an email, I don't know.

I contacted steam today but they wont get back to you quick enough to do anything and purchasing the Vietnam game for play today (three days early) was pretty much the freaking point.

We'll see....

As for the game, well, it's a blast. It's a dream come true really as I loved the original so damn much. Flying is like the first installment and that was such a great past time to implement in today's BC2V. The maps are INTENSE--crazy crazy busy!!! So much going on. Fireball here, fireball there, here a fireball.....that too rocks. The music is great, not as user definable though. Everything works. I found one dead man glitch but considering the game is where it's at, it's amazing it works so well. I do miss the jets. Maybe they'll add them later. The scenery is one of a kind but small for helicopter and tank wars. I've always loved this shit and it didn't make me feel bad about paying like many other over-hyped, underwhelming games do nowadays.
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I can't play this game when my Dad comes over to visit. He served two tours in Vietnam and the realistic sound effects, combined with the very realistic VC voices, and it completely puts him in a strange place... He was wounded in combat and was awarded a Purple Heart along with other commendations, so I can completely understand how he feels.
I can't play this game when my Dad comes over to visit. He served two tours in Vietnam and the realistic sound effects, combined with the very realistic VC voices, and it completely puts him in a strange place... He was wounded in combat and was awarded a Purple Heart along with other commendations, so I can completely understand how he feels.


or how about just being a decent son and not playing the game and instead spend some time with the him. a lot better idea then trying to find ways around it to ignore him by playing the game. thats just my opinion though.
or how about just being a decent son and not playing the game and instead spend some time with the him. a lot better idea then trying to find ways around it to ignore him by playing the game. thats just my opinion though.

Wow....like you even KNOW me? Who the hell are you to make such an assessment based on a single statement on an internet forum?

For the record, we run a family business on the side and spend plenty of quality time together. My Dad and I actually enjoy playing games together, as one of our father/son bonding experiences you jackass. My Mom passed away 4 years ago and since then, we have been closer than ever. We live hours apart, but 2-3 times a week he comes to help with our business and it's those times we will often game. My statement was in relation to me not being able to play this game because it makes him uncomfortable, and believe me I stopped playing as soon as I could see his discomfort.
Wow....like you even KNOW me? Who the hell are you to make such an assessment based on a single statement on an internet forum?

For the record, we run a family business on the side and spend plenty of quality time together. My Dad and I actually enjoy playing games together, as one of our father/son bonding experiences you jackass. My Mom passed away 4 years ago and since then, we have been closer than ever. We live hours apart, but 2-3 times a week he comes to help with our business and it's those times we will often game. My statement was in relation to me not being able to play this game because it makes him uncomfortable, and believe me I stopped playing as soon as I could see his discomfort.

I believe his comment was referring to criccio's comment about using headphones so your Dad can't hear the sounds.

P.S. Flamerthrower is rad.
I never have been that great at BC2 to begin with but I feel like I'm back to square one playing this.
I'm actually surprised how well this game is running out the gate. It's been a couple months since i fired up BC, so I'm feeling like a newbie all over again.

I don't know how many others had trouble getting it activated, but I struggled. I never got a "message from steam". What I had to do to get my activation code is go to my steam games library, right click on my BF BC2 game, then select "VIEW GAME CD KEYS". That is where you will find your activation code. Type that in the game window that asks for it and you are good to go.
I'm actually surprised how well this game is running out the gate. It's been a couple months since i fired up BC, so I'm feeling like a newbie all over again.

Saw some laggy issues in some servers that probably shouldn't have had lag issues but nothing serious.

I feel like hit detection is better in this as well.

I don't know how many others had trouble getting it activated, but I struggled. I never got a "message from steam". What I had to do to get my activation code is go to my steam games library, right click on my BF BC2 game, then select "VIEW GAME CD KEYS". That is where you will find your activation code. Type that in the game window that asks for it and you are good to go.

It was just that simple for me as well.
What's the deal with the spotter binoculars? I don't see it on my unlocks list.
It's definitely fun. I was never a fan of BF2 expansions because they were just simply more weapons and maps. This expansion though, it's an entirely new feel you know?

Sure the Vietnam genre is beat to death, but Bad Company 2 does a pretty good job at making it fun again. Turn on the War Tapes audio tracks for some real action.
I'm really liking this. The fast paced infrantry focus is very welcome.

However, with the 4 maps they've basically fused BC2's rush and conquest. Let me explain;

The beauty of the battlefield games is that you can choose which flag to capture which means that not everyone is all going to the same objective. This allows strategy and the ability to prioritise certain flags over others. I hate rush mode because it focuses everyone on the same point which just means the good side will win and the other side will get butt fucked. Campers love rush mode.

In vietnam, whilst you can just about flank the central flag, it's very hard and you find that what happens is the team that is slightly better will get hold of the critical central flag first and hold it the entire round. There is one map in particular with a temple and patrol boats that becomes fixed within minutes. Basically, whichever team takes flag B first wins. There's one true BF style map with the choppers in it where this isn't the case and is probably the best map.

Despite that though I'm loving it. Though I have a bad feeling that once people get to really know the maps it'll be very frustrating to play with nubs because the maps just aren't open enough to allow decent flanking.
the good side will win and the other side will get butt fucked.

The side with good 'team work' wins, i would say i have seen about even amount of times each side wins and loses.
Wow....like you even KNOW me? Who the hell are you to make such an assessment based on a single statement on an internet forum?

For the record, we run a family business on the side and spend plenty of quality time together. My Dad and I actually enjoy playing games together, as one of our father/son bonding experiences you jackass. My Mom passed away 4 years ago and since then, we have been closer than ever. We live hours apart, but 2-3 times a week he comes to help with our business and it's those times we will often game. My statement was in relation to me not being able to play this game because it makes him uncomfortable, and believe me I stopped playing as soon as I could see his discomfort.

post of the month, i really feel for you, you almost made me cry when reading this.

As for the game it has to be the best DLC of the year , SERIOUSLY, you get tremendous amounts of content and polish for fifteen bucks !!! even the M79 sights look very cool ( I was lucky enough to fire one back in 2008 ) too bad they're not adjustable, i think a more polished implementation would be the remedy for noob tubing in vanilla BC2, think about it : terrible accuracy when firing from the hip ( somehow realistic i think, riflegrenades when used on the G3 have HEAVY recoil ) and proper sights with adjustable targeting range when pressing right click instead of a simple zoom effect.
Wow....like you even KNOW me? Who the hell are you to make such an assessment based on a single statement on an internet forum?

For the record, we run a family business on the side and spend plenty of quality time together. My Dad and I actually enjoy playing games together, as one of our father/son bonding experiences you jackass. My Mom passed away 4 years ago and since then, we have been closer than ever. We live hours apart, but 2-3 times a week he comes to help with our business and it's those times we will often game. My statement was in relation to me not being able to play this game because it makes him uncomfortable, and believe me I stopped playing as soon as I could see his discomfort.

lol your seriously all i can do is sit here and laugh... sorry you take the internet so seriously but my post wasn't even directed toward you it was directed toward criccio for his lame response.

I'd buy it if it had SP.

a single player would be bad ass but then they probably would of charged 50 bucks for it instead of 15 dollars so ill take the MP for 15 any day.
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From reading this thread it's worth getting I take it? Need something new to do over christmas break.
From reading this thread it's worth getting I take it? Need something new to do over christmas break.

hell yeah if you want to play a vietnam game that has weapons from the correct time period unlike cough COD:BO cough. iron sight's FTW!
So far all I do is get killed by recon guys and medics with M60's from across the map. The more shit changes the more it stays the same. :rolleyes:
So far all I do is get killed by recon guys and medics with M60's from across the map. The more shit changes the more it stays the same. :rolleyes:

When I see posts like this I feel like I'm playing a different game. I don't get that at all, and I never did.
When I see posts like this I feel like I'm playing a different game. I don't get that at all, and I never did.

Same, all the games I been playing today and yesterday never had issues with flamethrowers and snipers. I only play on hardcore servers though, so maybe this is why?
So far all I do is get killed by recon guys and medics with M60's from across the map. The more shit changes the more it stays the same. :rolleyes:

LOL, the M60 across the map thing is just a staple. I'm so used to that I barely notice it but it's happened to me a few times as well.

Anyone else besides me miss some 4x scopes in at least Assault class? I'm in pretty bad shape without mine.
The side with good 'team work' wins, i would say i have seen about even amount of times each side wins and loses.

I can't say how it goes in other parts of the world, but here in the UK you can clearly see that good players will join the better side as soon as they can and you'll always get a lop-sided game. This has been true for BC2 of late, shit, I do it myself if I'm not playing with my mates; it's just no fun to be on a gumption-less team who would rather camp around the only flag they have rather than aggressively push forward which is what BF has always been about.

Still loving the game though, even if this weekend has blatantly been a server beta test using all us pre-order mugs; the stats and gadgets have been coming and going all weekend.

Is it worth £10?

Hell yes, easily! The gameplay is very polished and, as someone else mentioned, the hit-detection is alot more fluid and intuitive than BC2. The last patch seemed to make hitting perpendicular moving targets random, but in this it just clicks. Heli's aren't too over powered either and the smaller maps means taking out helis with a single tank shot (which you can do now) relatively easy.


Also, this is the first BF game, literally in history, where the M60 wasn't stupidly overpowered at launch. ;)
So I was gifted BC2 Vietnam, but Steam won't let me download it until I have BC2 installed. Thing is, I bought a retail copy of BC2. Is there any way I can still play the game without having to buy BC2?
So I was gifted BC2 Vietnam, but Steam won't let me download it until I have BC2 installed. Thing is, I bought a retail copy of BC2. Is there any way I can still play the game without having to buy BC2?

Don't think so.
So I was gifted BC2 Vietnam, but Steam won't let me download it until I have BC2 installed. Thing is, I bought a retail copy of BC2. Is there any way I can still play the game without having to buy BC2?

Well in retail BC2, Vietnam is there and when you click the Vietnam button on the main menu it asks for the Vietnam code. So if you can have Steam give you the keycode, you will be golden.