Battlefront 2


Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2004
Does Battlefront still have a decent player base and worth buying after all this time? I never bought it but I'm looking into it since I haven't played bf2 in over a year or two. Plus I dont like 2142 or whatever that stupid shit is called.
I'm assuming you mean Battlefield? Or by Battlefront, do you mean the Star Wars game?

Battlefield 2 still has quite a large amount of players, you can easily find a couple hundred (300~400) servers active and swarming with players daily. The most recent patch was in November (which IIRC was also the same month 2142 was released), which shows that EA hasn't totally dropped support for BF2. There will probably be another big patch or a couple of small ones before they move over completely to BF2142, and even then there will probably be a large player base. Heck, I used to play BFV back when it came out, I loved that game to death, and even today I still get on to play a round or two and can easily find a couple dozen servers.
Yeah I was meaning Star Wars Battlefront 2, I have never played it except for a few times at a friends house I really dug it but did not know if many players were still played to warrent a buy.

Through gamespy which I should have looked first I see the stats 111 servers, 119 players (at 2:13 AM EST) So I guess not to many left.