BattleField2 is NOT as good looking as HalfLife2 ?

I for one was expecting HL2 graphics online, and I figured I would have to upgrade my X800XT to get decent FPS on a scale that big, maybe even my CPU. Now that the PC's biggest game is out and pretty much runs on 6800/X800XT maxed out, these next gen cards are gonna be pretty pointless.
Sizer said:
HL2 has extremely blocky geometry. It doesn't do terrain well at all in fact.

aye. a good example is the displacement mapping at T spawn on aztec. Shite, i could do better myself and i don't even have bastard CS:S to refer to
Circuitbreaker8 said:
I for one was expecting HL2 graphics online, and I figured I would have to upgrade my X800XT to get decent FPS on a scale that big, maybe even my CPU. Now that the PC's biggest game is out and pretty much runs on 6800/X800XT maxed out, these next gen cards are gonna be pretty pointless.

yah, I would say it wont be as big of a diff. with the new cards coming out. One thing to upgrade with this game is RAM.. 1.5gig plus :)
this is a stupid thread. i thought everyone knew BF2 wasnt going to look as good as HL2 how could you not?

BF2 has to render a shit load of vehicles and people(60) all doing random stuff in a huge level

HL2 has to render about 12 or 16 at one instant- much smaller levels

they are completely different games. Thats like expecting the new GTA to look better than Doom 3... not going to happen.

i am boggled as to why you dont understand
Are there ATI drivers as well as nVidia drivers that come with the demo? I am at work and cannot check right now.
Battlefield 2 maps are larger and loading times in game is a no no in mp games like Battlefield 2. Thus it´s much easier on single player maps especially since you don´t have to take account all of the people running around, lag issues and such.

So either you will have the game 10 times more demanding than the corresponding single player game to make it look just as good.
JayD said:
Are there ATI drivers as well as nVidia drivers that come with the demo? I am at work and cannot check right now.

the new NV drivers came with the demo, as for ATI? well, is seems EA is bought out by NVIDIA...hence the NV Logo at startup, and no ATI drivers included...

Labrador said:
I heard alot of reviews aying how great BattleField2 looked in the previews, and some said it equaled HalfLife2 in the graphics department :cool: Well I am running the BF2 demo at 1600x1200res with all option on High, 2xAA, and 8xAF in my ATI control panel, and it looks good, but HalfLife2 still looks way sharper or cleaner and detailed ?

Where is the widescreen option ? and no AF option ? How bad a hit is 4xAA ?

One minor complaint is where's the single shot and burst fire mode ?

HL2 was made to impress... It impressed me for a whole 3 days untill I uninstalled it because it was boring as hell. BF2 was made for fun, in fact I think the orignal BF1942 was 100% more fun that CS and CSS. Now BF2 is even better.

Im too lazy to look at the bind, but I know there is an option for singal shot and auto because i keep getting my primary stuck in singal shot some how.. lol, Still works in singal shot, so i jsut used it.

Dont you just love the way the player movement is.. it feels so narural...and bunny hoppin! lol, they say its a problem...but umm well, I say let them do it. every singal target is see bunny hopeing away form my m16 on burst has drope before there third hop lol...