Battlefield 2

I still play pretty regular. Not hard to find a populated server. I usually just play Karkland though.
I'd say there's still at least a few thousand people on at one time still. It's never hard for me to find a populated server. I play BF2 at least every other week. It's still my fav FPS game of all time and I can not wait til play4free and BF3 :D.
64 person servers are busy. Karkand, Mashtuur City & Road to Jalalabad are really popular.
I'm putting together zero dollar BF2 system for my brother. It will run Windows XP. Other than BF 1.5 patch, is anything else required, e.g. Punkbuster update?
I haven't played Battlefield 2 in a great while. I believe now days its all about the Project Reality Mod that has taken over.