BattleField 2: Special Forces Trailer.


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 24, 2004
Fileshack has a trailer on the Special Forces expansion. Looks interesting. I just hope it fixes alot of issues that BF2 had in the first place.

i dont see those yellow letters i can click on anywhere. where is the yellow?!
how the fuck can they release an expansion when the original is still fucked up beyond belief
Bo_Bice said:
i dont see those yellow letters i can click on anywhere. where is the yellow?!

Link is now added. Sorry about that.

cell_491 said:
how the fuck can they release an expansion when the original is still fucked up beyond belief

Because it is EA!!!
Hopefully the vast majority of people will speak with their wallets and ignore it (kinda like Secret Weapons expansion for the original BF) and BF2 will remain the main game that gets attention from everyone (including EA).
i refuse to guve EA anymore cash till they fix the bugs in BF2...i mean when you nail someone in the chest with a rocket it should INCENERATE them not just go through them and let them know your postion so they can turn around and pop you in the head with their AK
cell_491 said:
i refuse to guve EA anymore cash till they fix the bugs in BF2...i mean when you nail someone in the chest with a rocket it should INCENERATE them not just go through them and let them know your postion so they can turn around and pop you in the head with their AK

I hear that. The orginal game is hardly 2 months old. They are already announcing a expansion. I predict a more buggy game. I hate to say it, but BF2 was the worst 50 dollars I spent on a game ever. Hopefully the 1.03 patch will get me back into it again.
Oh Cool they added content that should of been in the fucking game since day 1.
Night Vision and Special Forces in a Tactical Shooter WOW! :rolleyes:

Dev: Hey I don't feel like working on this game any farther, just give all the Nations the same unlockable guns.

Tester: But wouldn't that make all the nations feel the same and bland. Also it would be strange to see a Chinese Soldier with a Modern British Rifle. I don't understand people playing USMC just to unlock a fucking 40 year old Russian heavy machine gun?!

Dev: The plan was to release as little content as possible, then make the consumer have to pay money for content we should of already release with the game. Don't worry that will increase you pay check

: Sweet
nah, they ain't taking my money. no need for night vision and other shit.

it's all about the money

(but what isn't)
Alex A. said:
Oh Cool they added content that should of been in the fucking game since day 1.
Night Vision and Special Forces in a Tactical Shooter WOW! :rolleyes:

Dev: Hey I don't feel like working on this game any more, just give all the Nations the same unlockable guns.

Tester: But wouldn't that make all the nations feel the same and bland. Also it would be strange to see a Chinese Soldier with a Modern British Rifle. I don't understand people playing USMC just to unlock a fucking 40 year old Russian heavy machine gun?!

Dev: The plan was to release as little content as possible, then make the consumer have to pay money for content we should of already release with the game. Don't worry that will increase you pay check

: Sweet
pretty much...I didnt understand that either, I mean why would you want to go from an m16 to a G3? it would make more sense to have a g36 with the grenade launcher attachment
cell_491 said:
how the fuck can they release an expansion when the original is still fucked up beyond belief
Uh, they care more about investors and making a profit like most corporations? They are releasing a patch soon, and SF is to come out a bit later, so I'd assume the issues would be ironed out before then.
Alex A. said:
And people wonder why games and entertainment are pirated
Yeah, I do wonder
Bf1942 was a bigger game than BF2 was it not? I mean it had more people playing at the time than BF2 has now. I bought the Italy expansion for that game and I was lucky to find a server with 10 people playing.
Luckily the game looks to be pants judging from that video. Just looks like any other lame tactical ops based game.

Might be fun at xmas for £20 but that's as far as I'll go (assuming it's actually any good).
peacetilence said:
Bf1942 was a bigger game than BF2 was it not? I mean it had more people playing at the time than BF2 has now. I bought the Italy expansion for that game and I was lucky to find a server with 10 people playing.

No, BF2 has at least twice as many players a 1942. Special forces? Is not really what BF is about... at least with the 1942 expansions you got some nice new maps.
You people who bought Battlefield 2: haven't you learned your lesson from Battlefield 1942 yet?

It'll be 18 months to 2 years before BF2 is playable.
Lazy_Moron said:
I hate to say it, but BF2 was the worst 50 dollars I spent on a game ever. Hopefully the 1.03 patch will get me back into it again.
I totally agree. The game is very fun, but the bugs/disconnects/etc make me EXTREMELY ANGRY. So angry that I destroyed my MX510 a while back. And they delayed the patch? WTF..

I see the nightvision as a scapegoat for lazy texture artists.
ive been playing CS:S again now that ive burned myself out on bf2 a bit. and after playing a lot of bf2, i got to really appreciate fast load times, and fast framerates with very high detail and sharp textures in CS:S. not to mention no noticeable bugs.
I didn't play BF1942 and although I bought BF: Vietnam I just couldn't get into it. It didn't capture my interest. BF2, on the other hand, is a very fun game even with the bugs. Sure it has some very annoy bugs and what not but it's still a very playable game. I like to play and I will continue to play it. I'll most likely even buy the expansion when it comes out, even if it comes out before the 1.03 patch. I don't really see what is so bad about this game that everyone has to totally bash it. Pretty much every game I've ever played has had its share of bugs/annoyances, it's a part of the industry.

Just for kicks though, here's a list of things I've seen that are either bugs or annoyances. They by no means ruin the game for me.

  • I've been shot point blank range with an anti-tank rocket and although I've died the shooter walks away unharmed
  • I've shot people in the head with a sniper rifle(doesn't matter which one) from a fairly close range and they continue to live
  • The reload time for any weapon is way too slow. I've been through basic training in real life and was in the Gulf War back in 90 & 91 and I've never ever reloaded a weapon that slow. It's almost certain death.
  • Tanks and other things (like grenades) should be able to take out the satelite trailers and artillery guns. Currently the only way I've been able to take these out is with the spec ops c4 although I've seen jets take them out with the bombs they drop. A tank should have no problem destroying the satelite trailers at least.
  • Just brushing up again a moving vehicle shouldn't kill you. I piloted a boat to a shore line once and I jumped out as it reached the shoreline and the boat barely brushed against me but yet it killed me.
  • Jeeps and Buggies and other vehicles that can't float shouldn't explode just because they'e sunk. I mean really, how many times do you see vehicles in the news or whatever that have gone into a river or lake that have exploded just because they were in deep water?
  • I used to have a major issue with losing my connection to a server all the time but once I had my cable company come out and check the lines coming in and then replace them because they were really old I don't really have the issue anymore. I mean since the lines have been replaced I've only lost my connection to the server twice and it's been at least a week since they were replaced. Before, in that weeks time I would've lost my connection about 2 or 3 times each night.

That's just some of the things I could think of on the spur of the moment. Feel free to add to the list. Like I said, however, these by no means ruin the game or the experience for me. I just deal with them and keep playing.
Paithar said:
Jeeps and Buggies and other vehicles that can't float shouldn't explode just because they'e sunk. I mean really, how many times do you see vehicles in the news or whatever that have gone into a river or lake that have exploded just because they were in deep water?
Well that happens so the vehicle will respawn. If that wasn't there then there would never be any vehicles because they'd all be under water. I think the time it takes for the vehicle to explode should be a bit longer. I've driven into a lake then 'sprint-swam' away and it still killed me when it blew.
I made the mistake of buying BF2, I wont make the same mistake in buying the expansion.
Guess I'm getting old because that was some truly awful music on that clip. Looks okay, but just kind of gimmicky really.
For me, Battlefield 2 is a lot of fun, especially gaming with friends over a LAN (and wearing headsets to talk to your team is awesome). The detail is astonishing, but you can easily pick flaws in it. And, the realism really isn't there either - the exploding cars is a good example. Yes, they explode for a reason, but why does it have to do it automatically?

The 1.03 patch does a lot, from what I've heard. But I'm yet to see if it will improve the sort of things that have been observed in this thread.
Paithar said:
I didn't play BF1942 and although I bought BF: Vietnam I just couldn't get into it. It didn't capture my interest. BF2, on the other hand, is a very fun game even with the bugs. Sure it has some very annoy bugs and what not but it's still a very playable game. I like to play and I will continue to play it. I'll most likely even buy the expansion when it comes out, even if it comes out before the 1.03 patch. I don't really see what is so bad about this game that everyone has to totally bash it. Pretty much every game I've ever played has had its share of bugs/annoyances, it's a part of the industry.

Just for kicks though, here's a list of things I've seen that are either bugs or annoyances. They by no means ruin the game for me.

  • I've been shot point blank range with an anti-tank rocket and although I've died the shooter walks away unharmed
  • I've shot people in the head with a sniper rifle(doesn't matter which one) from a fairly close range and they continue to live
  • The reload time for any weapon is way too slow. I've been through basic training in real life and was in the Gulf War back in 90 & 91 and I've never ever reloaded a weapon that slow. It's almost certain death.
  • Tanks and other things (like grenades) should be able to take out the satelite trailers and artillery guns. Currently the only way I've been able to take these out is with the spec ops c4 although I've seen jets take them out with the bombs they drop. A tank should have no problem destroying the satelite trailers at least.
  • Just brushing up again a moving vehicle shouldn't kill you. I piloted a boat to a shore line once and I jumped out as it reached the shoreline and the boat barely brushed against me but yet it killed me.
  • Jeeps and Buggies and other vehicles that can't float shouldn't explode just because they'e sunk. I mean really, how many times do you see vehicles in the news or whatever that have gone into a river or lake that have exploded just because they were in deep water?
  • I used to have a major issue with losing my connection to a server all the time but once I had my cable company come out and check the lines coming in and then replace them because they were really old I don't really have the issue anymore. I mean since the lines have been replaced I've only lost my connection to the server twice and it's been at least a week since they were replaced. Before, in that weeks time I would've lost my connection about 2 or 3 times each night.

That's just some of the things I could think of on the spur of the moment. Feel free to add to the list. Like I said, however, these by no means ruin the game or the experience for me. I just deal with them and keep playing.

You probably like to have fun rather than whine. I have no problems with the game either.

Your stuff is more like a wishlist. Most people aren't very elaborate and just slam the game for being "buggy" or having "issues" though. So it's still a breath of fresh air.

Before the patch I used to have friends often show up as red, it would crash to the desktop, I couldn't map all the keys, and I got a lot more disconnects. If this next patch fixes as much as the last I'll be happy. What I have is damn close to a perfect game. I think I may have had the red bug once, or a tk'er made it up, and I have gotten disconnected a few times I think to no fault of my own, could be server side. So when people drown on and on about buggy now, most of the time, I just shut them out and have fun. Buggy, issues, they've gotten a lot less decriptive for the most part. Who knows, lets play!
cell_491 said:
pretty much...I didnt understand that either, I mean why would you want to go from an m16 to a G3? it would make more sense to have a g36 with the grenade launcher attachment
Y'd better keep an eye out for my forthcoming MOD then m8
cell_491 said:
how the fuck can they release an expansion when the original is still fucked up beyond belief

A totally separate dev team is working on expansion, thats how. This expansion was being created long before the game even released. So don't worry, they still have team working on BF2.

Oh.. and all of you are a bunch of haters. BF2 is a great game, and is very much playable.
No need to complain about BF2, the game is not very good anyway, fixes or not. Get Quake 4 and be happy. :D
Paithar said:
[*]Jeeps and Buggies and other vehicles that can't float shouldn't explode just because they'e sunk. I mean really, how many times do you see vehicles in the news or whatever that have gone into a river or lake that have exploded just because they were in deep water?

I think that's only to get rid of the vehicle - you can't use it in the water, but it won't respawn and become usable if it's just sat at the bottom of a lake
Anyway - i think this is the first post that's not bitching about BF2 (i love it, you try playing games on a crappy dell dimension with onboard intel graphics for 2 years and a few bugs are nothing) - and i'm definitely getting this expansion. The tear gas looks great, lol that's really smoothly done, adn i like how the G36C is *apparently* available from the start (G36x series my fave)
This expansion seems to focus on the aspects of BF2 that I liked, mainly infantry fighting and limited vehicles. With the added mobility of the ziplines and grappling hooks I think I'm really going to enjoy this game.
Paithar said:
Just for kicks though, here's a list of things I've seen that are either bugs or annoyances. They by no means ruin the game for me.

  • I've shot people in the head with a sniper rifle(doesn't matter which one) from a fairly close range and they continue to live
  • The reload time for any weapon is way too slow. I've been through basic training in real life and was in the Gulf War back in 90 & 91 and I've never ever reloaded a weapon that slow. It's almost certain death.
  • Just brushing up again a moving vehicle shouldn't kill you. I piloted a boat to a shore line once and I jumped out as it reached the shoreline and the boat barely brushed against me but yet it killed me.
  • Jeeps and Buggies and other vehicles that can't float shouldn't explode just because they'e sunk. I mean really, how many times do you see vehicles in the news or whatever that have gone into a river or lake that have exploded just because they were in deep water?

That's just some of the things I could think of on the spur of the moment. Feel free to add to the list. Like I said, however, these by no means ruin the game or the experience for me. I just deal with them and keep playing.
Valid Points

Counterpoints to your list that I think are not valid complaints:
Paithar said:
[*]I've been shot point blank range with an anti-tank rocket and although I've died the shooter walks away unharmed
They do get damage and sometimes does kill them. Try it and see.

Paithar said:
[*]Tanks and other things (like grenades) should be able to take out the satelite trailers and artillery guns. Currently the only way I've been able to take these out is with the spec ops c4 although I've seen jets take them out with the bombs they drop. A tank should have no problem destroying the satelite trailers at least.
Tanks can take these out. Unfortunately it takes 20 to 30 turret blasts. I have done it.

Paithar said:
[*]I used to have a major issue with losing my connection to a server all the time but once I had my cable company come out and check the lines coming in and then replace them because they were really old I don't really have the issue anymore. I mean since the lines have been replaced I've only lost my connection to the server twice and it's been at least a week since they were replaced. Before, in that weeks time I would've lost my connection about 2 or 3 times each night.
Not a game issue.
Well, maybe a person who uses an anti-tank rocket at point blank range gets some damage and maybe sometimes they die but whenever it's happened to me they've never died. On the other hand, I've used a grenade at close range to try and take out someone when I had no more ammo for my gun and although I had full health I died from the blast. I would think that a rocket would do more damage than a hand grenade.

Even so, I really enjoy the game and do my best to make the most of whatever time I play no matter what problems I seem to encounter.

BTW, what's up with these people that use the medic kit then kill a teammate just so that they can revive them? This happened to me lastnight. I had just joined a server and was about to take out an enemy when all of the sudden I was killed. Since I there wasn't a "Punish the team killer" prompt I assumed it was an enemy that I hadn't noticed close to me. Next thing I know I'm revived but before can get up I'm killed again. This went on for nine kills and nine revives before someone finally killed the medic. I realized after the third time that the one killing me and the one reviving me were the same person and on my team. Evidently the punish system had been turned off by server admin so I wasn't allowed to punish him. It didn't really help this guy get a lot of point though because that all happened right at the end of the round and he ended up with something like -43 points. He wasn't the first to do that kind of thing to me but he was the only one to do it nine times in a row.
Paithar said:
BTW, what's up with these people that use the medic kit then kill a teammate just so that they can revive them? This happened to me lastnight. I had just joined a server and was about to take out an enemy when all of the sudden I was killed. Since I there wasn't a "Punish the team killer" prompt I assumed it was an enemy that I hadn't noticed close to me. Next thing I know I'm revived but before can get up I'm killed again. This went on for nine kills and nine revives before someone finally killed the medic. I realized after the third time that the one killing me and the one reviving me were the same person and on my team. Evidently the punish system had been turned off by server admin so I wasn't allowed to punish him. It didn't really help this guy get a lot of point though because that all happened right at the end of the round and he ended up with something like -43 points. He wasn't the first to do that kind of thing to me but he was the only one to do it nine times in a row.

Lol, that's someone trying to be l33t and "r4g3" you. He's trying to annoy you, not get points
I dount that was it, the rewards system seems based around more what you can do that would generally be considered good, like reviving, while the bad stuffs isn't punished. Anyone know the full scoop on TK's?
Considering I had just joined the server and the round was almost over and because of that I didn't get any kills, yeah it kind of annoyed me so I guess he accomplished his mission. I'm sorry though, I just don't understand that kind of mentality. Some people really need to grow a brain.

Two days ago I was playing in a server with a couple of my clan mates. There was this guy, also on our team, that had this vendetta against one of my clan mates and the whole round kept trying to get him booted and finally succeeded in the next round about half way through. Since he got my friend booted I initiated a boot against him so what does he do but walk up to me and kill me. So I respawned at another location but he seeks me out and tries to kill me again but I don't let him and I kill him. Next thing I know I'm getting booted for too many team kills.

Anyway, my point is, BF2 as game is great it's some of the people that play that suck.
rondocap said:
No need to complain about BF2, the game is not very good anyway, fixes or not. Get Quake 4 and be happy. :D
Thank you for your helpful advice! I am going to my local Best Buy right now to purchase this game which you attest is so good.