Battlefield 2: High Res Screens and Videos (1600x1200)


Bad Trader
Apr 8, 2005
This thread is for people running the game at 1600x1200 or higher. Only post screenshots 1600x1200 or higher. Videos can be whatever. Please use thumbnails if possible, and don't quote other peoples pictures. I'll start it out with a few quick screenshots I just took.

Minimum res for vids is 1600x1200? You're kidding, right?
Ok whiners, fixed my post. Now, get on topic an post some high res screenies.
? If you mean looks good, then yes it does. Ive got more shots, but thats the only uploaded. And I dont feel like upping more right now. ;/
I don't see why BF2 is so system intensive; the graphics aren't anything special compared to games which came out over a year ago. :eek:
NickN said:
I don't see why BF2 is so system intensive; the graphics aren't anything special compared to games which came out over a year ago. :eek:

I think its the lightning and textures. I think it looks pretty damn good.
You can sue tell who here has not played the game at all, and yet still makes cracks at the game. BF2 looks much better the DC BFV or 1942.
bonkrowave said:
You can sue tell who here has not played the game at all, and yet still makes cracks at the game. BF2 looks much better the DC BFV or 1942.

Yeah, your right...but its not THAT good looking. Farcry/HL2/doom3 all look better.
bonkrowave said:
You can sue tell who here has not played the game at all, and yet still makes cracks at the game. BF2 looks much better the DC BFV or 1942.

/nod :D
this is the first game that i know of that has dynamic shadows and self shadowing on all non-static objects, which adds to immersiveness far better than normal mapping everything, which are farcry and D3's strong points

i think the view distance could be better and would rather have recoil on guns instead of the cone of fire system (which would also reintroduce scope drift)

but the point is no matter how good or bad the screenshots are you shouldnt use them to judge how good the game is
--- Post edited out by me ---

Okay, you're right. I apologize. :eek:

I still think HL2 looks better though :D
The game looks incredible--if you have the hardware to run the settings--and it's damn fun to play. End of story.
Converge said:
Yeah, your right...but its not THAT good looking. Farcry/HL2/doom3 all look better.
I haven't seen HL2 or Farcry with 64 players yet to make that judgement, but once they get it I'll compare them.
Just got through playing a good game with a bunch of guys from this forum. Got a few good screens.

Seems I'm in most of those pics ;)

ironrangers is definetly a fun server
Just when I get a 6800GT then this damn 7800 comes out.

...only if I had the cash flow.
Ah well the 6800GT runs me fine at 1600 X 1200.
That's enough for me.
man all you guys complaining about little jaggies and cant stand it without 4xAA are spoiled hahaha I cant even run the game and i dont have enough money to even think about getting a new graphics card. Ah the joy of being 17 parents want you to take more responsibility and learn to deal with money and your job doesnt bring in enough to be able to justify the expense.
Nice card. BF2 is great except for the ultra-craptastic front end interface and the horrid load times (and I am using a 10K Raptor drive!)...

....oh and the fact that LAG just about KILLS flying on all but the LOWEST ping servers... and the fact that the fools at DICE didn't take advantage of the DC crew and use their MUCH MUCH better helecopter flight model....
Doesnt look like 4xAA to me.. lots of jaggies. :/ The crane looks horrible.
fallguy said:
Doesnt look like 4xAA to me.. lots of jaggies. :/ The crane looks horrible.
It is 4x/8x. The crane does look pretty bad. This is why I stick to high res with no aa/af. ;)

* I set the aa/af settings in the NVidia control panel.
think a 9800 pro might be able to run that game? or is it enough to run like.. hl2 , cs-source, etc.?
fallguy said:
Doesnt look like 4xAA to me.. lots of jaggies. :/ The crane looks horrible.

you are remembering to click the pic once its loaded for the full size version right?

imageshack has the annoying habit of autoresizing large pics