Batman Imposters


[H] Movie and TV Show Review Guy
Jan 31, 2003
Gotham City Imposters

Just picked up on the PC via Steam for $15. Looks good, been following it for a while, I think its gonna be a blast!

Will do some video record of it tonight and post on my youtube channel (HelloHardware)

I have high hopes for it, and at $15, it doesnt look to be to much of a loss if it aint that good.
$35 in DLC on launch day. I guess they didn't have time to integrate those into the finished product before release.
$35 in DLC on launch day. I guess they didn't have time to integrate those into the finished product before release.

No, thats some stuff you can purchase for ingame stuff, you dont need to buy it either, you just level yourself up and get achievements in game and it unlocks most of it

There just giving people that want to be lazy a chance to get it quicker.
$35 in DLC on launch day. I guess they didn't have time to integrate those into the finished product before release.

FrEaKy is right. It's all in game stuff you can earn yourself. Also it's only cosmetic items so it shouldn't affect gameplay.
How is this game? Was going to come here and post this question in my own thread but thought I'd just ask here. It looks interesting especially for $15. I just expected it to be more than 6 vs. 6.
I was looking towards this game but I got in the beta last october, I did not enjoy it. but hey for $15, it isn't a bad game. during the beta, the MP was matchmaking based, is it still matchmaking based?
$35 in DLC on launch day. I guess they didn't have time to integrate those into the finished product before release.

when I searched what else the developer had put out on steam and found instead a page of DLC for the I was like NOPE
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Ha,looks like a fun alternative, but didnt show much actual gameplay. Looking forward to your video.
got this last night after work, unfortunately i tried getting into games and it couldnt locate any.
I played four hours last night with a friend who owns a 560. He was able to max it out but my 7970 wasn't. I had to put most everything on medium. Guess I just need good drivers. Anyways, the game is a lot of fun. It is matchmaking based, but for the money its hard to complain. It's different. I just wanted something other than battlefield 3 multilayer wise and this definitely works.
I play with a 6850 and a 1090T, I play everything max and get about 35 FPS at the low point, about 42-3 average, 50 highpoint. I had to drop my FRAPS down to 30FPS locked to ensure no hiccups on 1080P video, which btw my second video is going up now and is in PROPER hd 1080P...... I did update my video drivers prior to the game release, so you may just need to update your drivers like you think. 1920x1080
It looks not bad, my thoughts on the video was the map seemed a bit large for the number of players in the game. It seemed Freaky was able to wonder around the map for a decent while without running into anyone to actually 'attack' // 'kill'. I think that map would be perfect sized for like 10v10 or 12v12 though rather than the 4vs6.

My initial thoughts are there seems to be so many paths from one objective to another objective, if you and the other team take different paths, you'll rarely meet.
I remember a time when cheats and skins were free. Those were the days...then the Xbox showed up.

They're still completely free if you only want to change you look. These are for showing off to other people. There was no way to let others see your custom skins in the old days. :p
Any one know if this game supports a controller? I know, I know...but I'd like to get it for my son and myself and he is just better and more used to the controller. I know you can get it for 360 but I'd like him to be able to play with me. I know I could use xpadder too but would rather he didn't have to bother with starting that and changing the profile to that every time.