Bartz likes Google Maps better than Yahoo Maps

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I think I might like Yahoo’s new CEO but I am not sure just yet. I like her honesty but I am not sure it is a good idea to say she likes Google maps better than her own products.

Bartz also said it’s a “no brainer” for Yahoo to consider acquiring “distressed” Internet companies whose technologies it can incorporate into its portfolio, given its cash position, and that she instituted a “wall of shame” for underperforming Yahoo products.
Yahoo has a map? Google is the first one I use, then MapQuest if Google's results isn't desirable. I wasn't aware Yahoo had one :-P
"Wall of Shame" LOL! She must have gotten that from Jim Cramer. He put Yang on his Wall of Shame.
Honesty is always a good thing. Being in denial doesn't help you improve.