Bandwidth vs Latency


Oct 6, 2006
I am trying to decide what memory to buy, but to be honest I don't know which. I am leaning towards some corsair xms2. Do i go with DDR2 675 (PC 5400) or would it be better to go with DDR2 800 (PC 6400) ? Which is more important, the bandwidth or the timings? Thanks for any info.
Well the DDR2 800 will have very low timings at stock so I say go for the one that's rated higher. However, it all depends on your usage.
With all of the benchmarks i have seen the latency lowers as the clocks get higher and timings don't effect it at all, but pi says diffrent.

But with this generation of conroe's mhz owns all.
Timings effect performance in synthetic benchmarks but you really can't tell the difference.
OP here. I plan on using this memory with a moderately overclocked e6400, but I am not after the highest benchmarks in the world. I just want the ability to overclock a bit.
I still say go with the DDR2 800, it will give you the best timings even when moderately OC'd.