Ballmer: You Want XP, We'll Keep XP

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HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that, if there is customer demand for it, the company might reconsider its plan to phase out Windows XP by the end of June. So, let’s take an unofficial vote…keep XP or let it die?

"XP will hit an end-of-life. We have announced one. If customer feedback varies, we can always wake up smarter, but right now, we have a plan for end-of-life for new XP shipments," Ballmer said during a Thursday news conference in Belgium, according to Reuters.
lets keep it for pete's sake. It does what it does and it does it well. No second guessing, no smoke and mirrors light show. I just know it works and i have no need to change at this time.
They are talking about not shipping anymore out, not stop supporting it. Wonder when the last time someone on here has purchased XP.
Makes sense; after all there's little point in killing sales for a product that still sells. Microsoft is still going to support XP for years anyway with patches so what difference does it make to Microsoft whether it gets money from selling XP or Vista?
Keep XP until Microsoft can actually make something worth switching from, Vista is crap.
Yeah. Keep XP. Nothing wrong with that OS, especially after SP2. I use XP at home and Vista at work, and vista is a bloated, superficial operating system. There is NO reason to "upgrade" from XP to Vista.
XP needs to die just like every other legacy software/OS out there

If MS wants to keep it around for another year or 2 cause people don't want to shell out a few hundred bucks to upgrade or buy a new machine. Fine.
As long as they decide to keep with their same gameplan on software support for it and people don't get upset that its going to get supported for up to a year...

Personally I don't care, I still have 3 CD-keys available at my disposal but have no plan on ussing them for my own computers, already migrated to Vista ... probably wont look back!
You should have made this thread a poll.

Keep it, BTW. I can't imagine having to retrain all of the users here at my office

....and at the Tucson office

....and at the Salt Lake City office


Keep it for now.
Until something better comes along.
It works better than the Vista resource hog.
As long as they decide to keep with their same gameplan on software support for it and people don't get upset that its going to get supported for up to a year...

Personally I don't care, I still have 3 CD-keys available at my disposal but have no plan on ussing them for my own computers, already migrated to Vista ... probably wont look back!

I've done the same thing, and migrated to Vista 64.

Never had a problem. Vista runs smooth unlike XP. i can keep my machine up for months and not have any hicups like i did with XP. I have also had the same Vista load for about 8 months now. If i was on XP i would have to reload my machine by that time.

I guess people like to bitch about Vista cause they don't like change and or can't the change. IMHO people who are not willing to test Vista on a machine thats not 2ghz with 512meg have no room to BITCH.
Get a better machine. XP was the same back when it first started coming out. Funny how things come at full circle.
I'll vote "I don't care either way" since I've personally moved to Vista without much of a problem. The ones who do care are either the ones who are still on the fence on the issue, have some sort of OS loyalty, or see no need to stop XP if its still going strong (and want it to keep going because of that reason).
Let it die already. I haven't seen ONE excuse in this thread to keep it alive that wouldn't be the same excuse to use Windows 98SE over XP for the first 3 years of XP's life. I didn't keep using 98 through XP's lifetime, I won't be using XP through Vista's lifetime either. Stay in the stone age or move on up, your own call.
Let it die already. I haven't seen ONE excuse in this thread to keep it alive that wouldn't be the same excuse to use Windows 98SE over XP for the first 3 years of XP's life. I didn't keep using 98 through XP's lifetime, I won't be using XP through Vista's lifetime either. Stay in the stone age or move on up, your own call.

The thing is.. XP can do anything Vista can do, possibly even better. Until it offers a real reason to upgrade, I'll stick with XP.
Keep it. I have a lot of engineering/programming software I use every day that doesn't work in Vista, because it runs in a modified version of cygwin, which can't get the driver handles it needs in Vista.

I guess I could always switch to linux...
Keep it.
My kids still use it at school, my office has XP Pro, name a game recently that demanded DX10(exception Crysis), my folding boxes use XP.

One of my major clients just this last year moved from 98 to XP......eeeek.

XP has certain advantages to the customer.
from an IT business perspective there is no question, XP stays.. we have so many xp ghost images, all our apps work perfectly.. migrating to a new os is just a pain
Let it die already. I haven't seen ONE excuse in this thread to keep it alive that wouldn't be the same excuse to use Windows 98SE over XP for the first 3 years of XP's life. I didn't keep using 98 through XP's lifetime, I won't be using XP through Vista's lifetime either. Stay in the stone age or move on up, your own call.

Because vista is so revolutionary and modern.... :rolleyes:

I'll stick with a dual boot of XP 64-bit and Linux.
xp must stay. it has reached a level of maturity that i really doubt vista will ever attain. now, if they really want to make XP a ballbusting OS, implement DirectX 10 into it and they will have a clear winner on their hands.
I say for now, XP. I personally like Vista and for me, flows better and more smoothly then XP. However, there are still driver issues and compatability issues around..... I'd give it 6 months to a year.

That depends on whether or not MS is going to bring out the new Windows anytime sooner.
from an IT business perspective there is no question, XP stays.. we have so many xp ghost images, all our apps work perfectly.. migrating to a new os is just a pain

You obviously have not compared a vista roll out to an xp roll out. From an IT perspective it is much easier to move to Vista than to push out XP (with free tools, learned a thing or two about altiris today that left me impressed).

Now until your end users get a bit of education, it may be a pain, but management wise, it's far beyond xp.
Keep XP and give us some of Vista's sales pitch tweaks (Aero etc.) maybe as plugins. Keep XP fresh and let us pick and choose.. Otherwise more potential buyers who have heard the overwhelming negative press will see Vista on the sales tag and head over to the fruit section.
Junk it, the minimum amount of ram went up when XP was released, we shouldn't have expected anything less when Vista was released. I am running 8GB of ram and it works great.

that and you mentioned "we ahve so many ghost images" yeah with vista, and correct software deployment, you would have 1 image. Sometimes learning the "pains" of engineering advancements pays off.
Holy shit fellas all this was said when XP came out too, do you not remember? XP may as well have been fucking Hitler. I can't even think of a horrible historical figure to compare XP SP2 to. It's all been said before.
The thing is.. XP can do anything Vista can do, possibly even better. Until it offers a real reason to upgrade, I'll stick with XP.

Try sleep mode or hibernation.

XP is terribly unstable compared to Vista. All the years I've used XP I've had to reinstall the OS after 1-2 months because it just bogs down, starts having problems with applications, and nothing, not even uninstalling all of the applications on the OS will fix it.

I was running Vista for more than 6 months in a row a while ago (I stupidly reformatted and decided to try XP again, which just gave me problems and only lasted for a month before it crapped out on me). Vista is far ahead of XP in terms of usability and stability.

I don't really care if they keep XP or not, I'll never use it again if I have a choice.
from an IT business perspective there is no question, XP stays.. we have so many xp ghost images, all our apps work perfectly.. migrating to a new os is just a pain

Ghost? Are you serious?

RIS is easy enough to implement and probably better than having gig upon gig of Ghost Images.
[RIP]Zeus;1032411801 said:
XP needs to die just like every other legacy software/OS out there

If MS wants to keep it around for another year or 2 cause people don't want to shell out a few hundred bucks to upgrade or buy a new machine. Fine.

And since when Tradition has more priority than practicity?
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