Ballmer Says Windows 7 Nearly Final

so, where's the official link to download??
Good question. But think about this, when you download the beta from MSDN there is already a hotfix available to correct and issue with MP3 file corruption. Also there is a posting instructing people to backup all media files that might be accessed by Windows Media Player. I think they might be incorporating the fixes into the public release. Media file corruption is a big deal and while most of us would probably not attempt an install of a beta OS with out precious data drives attached, average Joe would. While this is beta, the general public won't treat it that way and will nit pick, very vocally I think. The public release needs to be as close to perfect as possible. Hopefully they'll pull it off.
so, where's the official link to download??

Good question. But think about this, when you download the beta from MSDN there is already a hotfix available to correct and issue with MP3 file corruption. Also there is a posting instructing people to backup all media files that might be accessed by Windows Media Player. I think they might be incorporating the fixes into the public release. Media file corruption is a big deal and while most of us would probably not attempt an install of a beta OS with out precious data drives attached, average Joe would. While this is beta, the general public won't treat it that way and will nit pick, very vocally I think. The public release needs to be as close to perfect as possible. Hopefully they'll pull it off.

Dude its a beta, if you don't know what a beta is then you shouldn't download the program. It isn't like they are telling people on tv to download this and replace your current xp/vista install. It is meant for people that want to help microsoft test the OS. I doubt average joe would be enough know there is a beta out there, nor would they go get it, burn the ISO to a dvd, and then know how to install it.

As for the link, it isn't up yet. It will be at today at noon pacific time.
i vote this for worst post of the year for 09 while my elbows are on the table and my face is buried in my palms :(

cmon dude... your post is exactly what im talking about.
So I take it you paid the $400 for Vista Ultimate when it came out, and will be dropping the extra $200-400 Win7 will likely cost when it comes out later this year, then?
You must be new to the computer scene. Think of how many years between Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows 2000's releases, and then read your post again. That's not even counting the OEM Service Releases, Windows 98SE, or Windows Me (and I left out NT because it wasn't mainstream).

Windows Vista (regardless of my opinion of it) is the EXCEPTION for Microsoft in how long it took to release it, not the rule. If it had been released on time, Windows XP would have only been out for 3-4 years before its release.

That said, I'd honestly prefer that Microsoft had a 5-year OS cycle, provided they could get things right the first time.
Right, and Microsoft was fucking over their customers back then, too. Windows 98 offered some improvements over 95, but not a ton - and it was clearly released before it was ready by virtue of 98SE following soon after. SE was basically 98 SP1. The way I'm looking at it, Win7 is Vista SP2; except, they're charging full price for it (I assume).

There wasn't a 'jump' of only 2 years between 98 and Win2000, as 2000 was never intended (at least, not initially) for home use. When Microsoft's products said 'Professional' back then, they meant it. So the jump to 2000 wasn't from 98, but rather, from NT4 - which is an acceptable product cycle. The "real" successor to 98SE was ME. I haven't found a single person that doesn't agree that ME was MS's most famously failed OS abortion.

To sum up: I was honestly willing to defend Vista SP1 as a good operating system, and was willing to accept that Microsoft's decisions about its UI and usability were the result of honest, tested engineering decisions. By releasing a new OS so soon after, they are acknowledging - to me - that the UI in Vista was cobbled together just to get it out the door and make some more money. Now they're releasing Win7 which, based off the previous logic, is Vista the way it would have been if they didn't release it just to make some more money - and coincidentally, since it's a new OS, they get to make even more money.

It just seems like it's screwing over the people who dropped the exorbitant amounts they were asking for the top levels of Vista, IMO.
I downloaded Windows 7 (x86) last night via my MSDN Premium account and installed it in VMWare 6.5. I must say that I was totally underwhelmed. I absolutately _loathe_ the new taskbar. And, as far as I can tell, there's no way to switch back to a "classic" taskbar style.

Also, why oh why, won't Microsoft wise up and let us specify a location for the taskbar. I run a triple head rig (via a TripleHead2Go) and I don't understand why they insist on left justifying the taskbar. If I could center the taskbar to my center monitor, then I'd see a huge productivity and ergonomics increase.

I'm going to play with it again tonight, but so far I think I'm just going to skip Windows 7 altogether.
Right, and Microsoft was fucking over their customers back then, too. Windows 98 offered some improvements over 95, but not a ton - and it was clearly released before it was ready by virtue of 98SE following soon after. SE was basically 98 SP1. The way I'm looking at it, Win7 is Vista SP2; except, they're charging full price for it (I assume).

There wasn't a 'jump' of only 2 years between 98 and Win2000, as 2000 was never intended (at least, not initially) for home use. When Microsoft's products said 'Professional' back then, they meant it. So the jump to 2000 wasn't from 98, but rather, from NT4 - which is an acceptable product cycle. The "real" successor to 98SE was ME. I haven't found a single person that doesn't agree that ME was MS's most famously failed OS abortion.

To sum up: I was honestly willing to defend Vista SP1 as a good operating system, and was willing to accept that Microsoft's decisions about its UI and usability were the result of honest, tested engineering decisions. By releasing a new OS so soon after, they are acknowledging - to me - that the UI in Vista was cobbled together just to get it out the door and make some more money. Now they're releasing Win7 which, based off the previous logic, is Vista the way it would have been if they didn't release it just to make some more money - and coincidentally, since it's a new OS, they get to make even more money.

It just seems like it's screwing over the people who dropped the exorbitant amounts they were asking for the top levels of Vista, IMO.

yeah Ford was fucking me over when I bought my Taurus new in 2002 and they came out with a 2003 model. And don't get me started on AMD. I bought a fucking Athlon 64 x2 5000+ and a couple months later the Phenom came out. These people are royally fucking us over man.. Man, you know? And my GeForce 8800 GTS? Whew. I mean they came out with the 9xxx series a year later! Someone shoot the CEO of nVidia!

We're not allowed to get better and evolve! We have to be perfect from the onset! We're being screwed over by everyone!
I downloaded Windows 7 (x86) last night via my MSDN Premium account and installed it in VMWare 6.5. I must say that I was totally underwhelmed. I absolutately _loathe_ the new taskbar. And, as far as I can tell, there's no way to switch back to a "classic" taskbar style.

Also, why oh why, won't Microsoft wise up and let us specify a location for the taskbar. I run a triple head rig (via a TripleHead2Go) and I don't understand why they insist on left justifying the taskbar. If I could center the taskbar to my center monitor, then I'd see a huge productivity and ergonomics increase.

I'm going to play with it again tonight, but so far I think I'm just going to skip Windows 7 altogether.
Sounds like a problem easily fixed. I hope more people with your situation made it known to MS. But then again who has 3 LCD hookups? Was that their target market? Maybe you need to manage your expectations better?

yeah Ford was fucking me over when I bought my Taurus new in 2002 and they came out with a 2003 model. And don't get me started on AMD. I bought a fucking Athlon 64 x2 5000+ and a couple months later the Phenom came out. These people are royally fucking us over man.. Man, you know? And my GeForce 8800 GTS? Whew. I mean they came out with the 9xxx series a year later! Someone shoot the CEO of nVidia!

We're not allowed to get better and evolve! We have to be perfect from the onset! We're being screwed over by everyone!
:D - There's a shiny light in the middle of all the noob darkness.
yeah Ford was fucking me over when I bought my Taurus new in 2002 and they came out with a 2003 model. And don't get me started on AMD. I bought a fucking Athlon 64 x2 5000+ and a couple months later the Phenom came out. These people are royally fucking us over man.. Man, you know? And my GeForce 8800 GTS? Whew. I mean they came out with the 9xxx series a year later! Someone shoot the CEO of nVidia!

We're not allowed to get better and evolve! We have to be perfect from the onset! We're being screwed over by everyone!
Nice fallacies.

I wasn't exactly saying that Microsoft is never allowed to release product updates, now was I? My statement was based off the conjecture that there aren't enough features in Win7 to make me believe that it was designed from the ground up, but rather intended as a series of minor refinements to Vista's codebase - which were necessitated by the overwhelmingly negative response to Vista's odd (read: bad) UI decisions and its performance decrease compared to XP. So to MY statement, the better analogy would be if you bought a x2 5000+ that had half its on-chip cache disabled because AMD hadn't figured out how to fab it properly, and then released the fully enabled version for the same price a few months later.

And before anybody throws that most time-honored of stupid defenses out there, yes, I realize Microsoft is not holding a gun to my head and forcing me to upgrade to Windows 7. However, I wouldn't have fucking known that there would be a Windows 7 2 years ago when Microsoft was saying Vista was their best OS ever and totally worth the $400, now would I have?

Listen, I'm just stating an opinion. I'm not saying this is what Microsoft IS doing, I'm just saying what it looks like Microsoft is doing, TO ME. Jesus fucking Christ, it's like I have to actually say that for internet kids to realize that's what it is.
Sounds like a problem easily fixed. I hope more people with your situation made it known to MS. But then again who has 3 LCD hookups? Was that their target market? Maybe you need to manage your expectations better?
many people have triple monitors -- software developers, graphic artists, engineers, accountants.

Microsoft wants to claim that they are friendly to these demographics, yet horribly botch the ergonomics of such configurations. Aside from being an annoyance, needing to constantly move your head to the left when you click on the taskbar is an ergonomics nightmare.

Linux handles this natively in every available window manager and Mac OS X automatically centers the dock in the center of the display. Windows is the only major OS which hasn't gotten religion on this yet.
However, I wouldn't have fucking known that there would be a Windows 7 2 years ago when Microsoft was saying Vista was their best OS ever and totally worth the $400, now would I have?

Haven't you ever looked at those advertisement screens that show while the OS is installing? MS says that EVERY new OS is the "Best Ever"!! Generally (IMO) there is a "better than last gen" trend with their OSes, but it's always funny to go back and reinstall something like Win2k and WinME and watch those ad screens say that they are the greatest things ever! :p

BTW, as a bit of trivia, WinME wasn't originally on MSs Product roadmap. The next home OS after Win98SE was SUPPOSED to be WinXP Home. When it became apparent that it wasn't going to be ready anywhere near soon enough, they borrowed a few of the WinXP UI features, grabbed some of the driver installation enhancements they had done already, and made Win98 Reloaded, otherwise known as WinME. LOL :p

:D - There's a shiny light in the middle of all the noob darkness.
I'm a noob because I have a cynical opinion regarding the substantiveness of improvements between Vista SP1 and Win7, as well as Microsoft's motivations for the product cycles of Vista and Win7? Motivations which have been demonstrably proven with previous versions of Windows to be less focused on benefiting their customers than they maintained at the time? In order for you to be able to call me that, clearly you must be less of a noob - and therefore more experienced - than I am. So what are your credentials? Go ahead, dawg, let's see your ePenis.
Linux handles this natively in every available window manager and Mac OS X automatically centers the dock in the center of the display. Windows is the only major OS which hasn't gotten religion on this yet.
Like I said, sounds easily fixable. I didn't mean to sound patronizing either. If that is your only major beef with it than you seem to be in a good position. Your major beef is something that can be easily fixable, maybe. I would be optimistic.

I'm a noob because I have a cynical opinion regarding the substantiveness of improvements between Vista SP1 and Win7, as well as Microsoft's motivations for the product cycles of Vista and Win7?

No you are noob because you have a guilty conscience. And no, you cannot see my penis. If you have a wife, girlfriend, or even a cute mom, she could and then tell you about it.
from those that have already installed it - is it again required (like in Vista) to yank memory out of a machine that has more than 3GB to be able to install Windows 7? An honest yes or no question.
edit: on many machines (many desktops with much more than 4gb of ram) and many laptops (many of which had 4gb)
Could you please rephrase that in a manner that makes slightly more than absolutely no sense?

Jesus, your schooling.. I dunno. I said guilty conscious, ok? I never said YOU were a noob. I never directed anything to YOU specifically, just the overall noob stuff that has been posted in this thread. I also was just stating my appreciative amusement towards the post Azhar made. So since I never directed anything personally to you, you took it upon yourself to call yourself a noob. Hence a guilty conscious. You got it? Does it make sense to you now? Next time don't come to a battle of wits unarmed...
Would you ask the same question of Apple and why they don't remove QuickTime and iTunes from OSX? I wonder...

Yes. But I don't use OSX. I don't own a Mac. Not that the idea would bother me. If Mac was to give the same level of performance for gaming and if Mac, as a platform would support the games that I play, I would in a heartbeat change platform. The same goes for Linux.
I wished there was a menu right before a game is installed that would let you choose between LINUX, MAC, and WINDOWS.
If the game developers would consider Linux as an equal platform - it is unjustified though, because the market share of Linux gamers pales in comparison to that of Windows gamers - then maybe there would be an interest for Linux as a gaming OS.

Yes, you can delete iTunes rather easily but QuickTime is a bit more hooked into the system, and since the damned OS is written with those tools/utilities in mind, you're effectively crippling it by mucking with it.

Sad isn't it? And my point is valid for OSX as well!

Why do people continue to bash Microsoft for WMP? I don't get it... geez, ...

I use VLC media player. And it does a great job for what I want it to do.
I have had some issues with it, where the picture is all garbled and messed up; a pixelated mess of 4 colors. Even though Codec download is set to automatic.
VLC media player does it great and without a fuss. AND it playes .MOV files as well, so I don't have to muck with Quicktime. But that is not bashing, that's just me preferring to use one app over another.

...if you want an OS with absolutely nothing in it and you add precisely what you want from nothing to exactly the machine and OS you desire, go mess with Linux From Scratch.

That is beside the point. I use my computer for a multitude of things and gaming is - I am almost sorry to say :D - the main reason I have one. The games I play come only in one flavor - MS Windows. Sad, but there you have it. I have to feed this monster, because I have no other recourse. :D And NO, I don't play console games! That's sad too, isn't it???
Jesus, your schooling.. I dunno. I said guilty conscious, ok? I never said YOU were a noob. I never directed anything to YOU specifically, just the overall noob stuff that has been posted in this thread. I also was just stating my appreciative amusement towards the post Azhar made. So since I never directed anything personally to you, you took it upon yourself to call yourself a noob. Hence a guilty conscious. You got it? Does it make sense to you now? Next time don't come to a battle of wits unarmed...
You're right. Your response to a guy who quoted me-and only-in his post obviously carried no implication towards me whatsoever. I do just have a guilty conscience about my noobness, and my substandard schooling. Wait, you didn't say anything about my schooling being substandard, did you? You only mentioned it within a context that I assumed was derogatory. Clearly, no subtext was implied on your part, and my schooling is just one more area in which I have a "guilty conscience." That and my "noobness."

The irony, it staggers the fucking mind.
i never had that problem with either vista version (x86/x64)

so thats a firm NO

I assume you said NO to an upgrade to Windows 7.

Aw man - and to use the catchphrase of some Windows Vista adopters to those XP users who don't want to upgrade - "You got to move on!!!" :D

NB: I don't care what OS you use, as long as it makes YOU happy.
no to having to yank out memory to install vista, as you said in your post...

no idea wtf u are saying in your follow up post though... i'd recommend an english 101 class
You're right. Your response to a guy who quoted me-and only-in his post obviously carried no implication towards me whatsoever. I do just have a guilty conscience about my noobness, and my substandard schooling. Wait, you didn't say anything about my schooling being substandard, did you? You only mentioned it within a context that I assumed was derogatory. Clearly, no subtext was implied on your part, and my schooling is just one more area in which I have a "guilty conscience." That and my "noobness."

The irony, it staggers the fucking mind.

Awww, newsflash! You aren't that important. Get over yourself. I honestly didn't notice it was you till you first responded to me. And yes you do have a guilty concsious, you are the only idiot that took it personal and responded to me. And also, look at your own penis instead of asking guys to show them theirs(true story). If you want to continue this exchange, especially if you found a way to arm yourself(reference to the battle of wits statement) then feel free to PM me. Otherwise, try to leave it out of this thread. With that said, i'm done doing "this" in the thread.

On more important things. Anybody see a download link on that website. i check it every couple of minutes but maybe my "noob" eyes can't find it. We have a decent network at work and I want to use it while I can. I don't have a MSDN account or whatever so i can't use that partner site. So anyone have any luck?
On more important things. Anybody see a download link on that website. i check it every couple of minutes but maybe my "noob" eyes can't find it. We have a decent network at work and I want to use it while I can. I don't have a MSDN account or whatever so i can't use that partner site. So anyone have any luck?

Nevermind found it, not like it works or anything. Gotta blame demand for that...

Windows 7 Beta
many people have triple monitors -- software developers, graphic artists, engineers, accountants.

Microsoft wants to claim that they are friendly to these demographics, yet horribly botch the ergonomics of such configurations. Aside from being an annoyance, needing to constantly move your head to the left when you click on the taskbar is an ergonomics nightmare.

Linux handles this natively in every available window manager and Mac OS X automatically centers the dock in the center of the display. Windows is the only major OS which hasn't gotten religion on this yet.

Lol tell me this is a Freudian.
no idea wtf u are saying in your follow up post though... i'd recommend an english 101 class

NO, sarcasm is not a grammatical error in the English language.

But in the interest of filling any linguistical voids my English might have, could you, Mr English Major point out the grammatical, vocabulary errors in the previous post.

Let me assure you, though, the English 101 classes I'd need to take to complete my English skills, would automatically rule you out as a possible tutor.
Sounds like a problem easily fixed. I hope more people with your situation made it known to MS. But then again who has 3 LCD hookups? Was that their target market? Maybe you need to manage your expectations better?
many people have triple monitors -- software developers, graphic artists, engineers, accountants.

Microsoft wants to claim that they are friendly to these demographics, yet horribly botch the ergonomics of such configurations. Aside from being an annoyance, needing to constantly move your head to the left when you click on the taskbar is an ergonomics nightmare.

Linux handles this natively in every available window manager and Mac OS X automatically centers the dock in the center of the display. Windows is the only major OS which hasn't gotten religion on this yet.

This is a joke, right? You do realize you can customize where each display "is" in terms of the virtual/physical arrangement of the monitors, right? You do know you can define the primary monitor and make that where the Taskbar always is, right?

I don't know whether to laugh at those comments or... ok, guess I'll laugh.
sometimes grammar isnt the problem, and what one says is so obfuscated, confused, or otherwise unclear that just by speaking/writing, a person *fails*

case in point, your posts
sometimes grammar isnt the problem, and what one says is so obfuscated, confused, or otherwise unclear that just by speaking/writing, a person *fails*

case in point, your posts

Well, you have to "read" the punctuation as well. If you can't, you can't make sense of the post. I mean, aren't we supposed to be moderately literate. Didn't they see a need for proper English and the importance of punctuation in your English classes.
Maybe 1337 sp34k is what you need?? Or gangsta rap?? A text message? I must say I don't quite understand those? Maybe it's just my insistence on trying to get the correct message across by putting to much emphasis on correct grammar.

But, I am nice. I can rephrase it for you... if you want.

A little sketch, perhaps? It works... on most people from 1st grade on.
:rolleyes: only the 2nd person to go on my ignore list (1st was a scammer)

Aw.. too bad! Poor chap! I would've made him a nice little drawing. :(
Humor is a cure to many ailments, especially ass-tightness!! Some people want to keep a tight anus. So be it! It's a free country after all!
Obviously some people can't handle the heat? If heat there was! I wished he knew I'm going to miss him. Such a fine entertaining little fellow.

Maybe it'd dirty diaper time! :D Don't forget the Desitin!!!!
Sounds like a problem easily fixed. I hope more people with your situation made it known to MS. But then again who has 3 LCD hookups? Was that their target market? Maybe you need to manage your expectations better?

This is a joke, right? You do realize you can customize where each display "is" in terms of the virtual/physical arrangement of the monitors, right? You do know you can define the primary monitor and make that where the Taskbar always is, right?

I don't know whether to laugh at those comments or... ok, guess I'll laugh.

this is a joke, right? you do realize that a TripleHead2Go exposes itself as ONE monitor that is as wide as the three client monitors combined. So, for my rig, Windows thinks that there is only ONE monitor attached and that it has a resolution of 5040x1050.

Next time, before you run your mouth make sure it's not getting ahead of your ass.
this is a joke, right? you do realize that a TripleHead2Go exposes itself as ONE monitor that is as wide as the three client monitors combined. So, for my rig, Windows thinks that there is only ONE monitor attached and that it has a resolution of 5040x1050.

Next time, before you run your mouth make sure it's not getting ahead of your ass.

This is a joke, right? I run backwards!