Ballmer: Nobody Wants To Work At Amazon, Only Microsoft Can Compete With Apple

Do you think if their own server OS technology can do the job just as well that they would offer a non-MSFT choice? Would they in the past? That's what changed. Their dam has a leak now...
Do you think if their own server OS technology can do the job just as well that they would offer a non-MSFT choice? Would they in the past? That's what changed. Their dam has a leak now...

Azure is not a monolithic thing powered by any one thing. It is a collection of capabilities most of which are Windows based like SQL Server, Exchange and SharePoint. But there are a lot of Linux severs and apps out there and offering Linux makes it easier for businesses with a mix of Windows and Linux servers and apps to move to the cloud.
Still a sad statement.
I'ts like Ford motor company buying fleets of Chevys.
Then again, yeah, if the Chevys were 'free' so I guess it is somewhat different.
So MS says: ask not what we can do for the computer world, but what can the computer world can do for us.. so we can save and make MORE billions.
How about making Linux simplified to windows-7 level and release it for free?
I mean since they are making billions off the ground-work of people they tried to screw over.

Why would they spend billions of dollars to give away software that competes with a product they charge for? And how did they try to screw over anyone in Linux? The people who work on Linux work for companies like IBM and Redhat. IBM aint' doing that great, but last I checked, Redhat was doing OK. Companies make money off of Linux by writing S/W on top of it or through support contracts. Then there's Ubuntu, which AFAIK doesn't make any money, because it's free and the people who use it just tinker until it works (when there's a problem) or search the web.
Forgive me if I cannot take anything this slob says seriously.


Yup, I agree:
Steve Ballmer's net worth is somewhere around $22.2 billion, making him the 21st richest person in the U.S. and the 35th richest person worldwide.

Never take advice from a guy worth 22.2 billion with more coming in every day, a good bit of it still from MS.

Clearly there are people right here on this forum much brighter than Ballmer:rolleyes:
Yup, I agree:

Never take advice from a guy worth 22.2 billion with more coming in every day, a good bit of it still from MS.

Clearly there are people right here on this forum much brighter than Ballmer:rolleyes:

Interesting fact about Steve Ballmer. He's the second non-founder ever of a public company and the first in tech company to become a billionaire from that company's stock.

Ballmer certainly made plenty of mistakes but he did follow a one of the great tech legends of all time and had to deal with the mistakes of that legend around anti-trust issues. I don't think any tech company to date has had to deal with as many governments breathing down it's neck and Ballmer had to step right into all of that.

Microsoft's mistakes in mobile are well known but for company like Microsoft to miss that kind of revolution and still be relevant, interesting, important and very profitable and rich is pretty remarkable.
]Never take advice from a guy worth 22.2 billion with more coming in every day[/URL], a good bit of it still from MS.

Clearly there are people right here on this forum much brighter than Ballmer:rolleyes:

If for some reason Carly Fiorina asked to manage your assets would you let her? Having tons of money does not mean that someone is automatically a genius. Ballmer has more money than any space engineer yet if I needed to develop a rocket and successfully land on the Moon i surely wouldn't pick Ballmer. Now if I needed some guy to take all of my money and fly across the stage and sell ice to Eskimos then I would get Ballmer.

It's all about getting the right person for the job. How much money someone has is irrelevant. In reality if you had a boat that could only save a handful of people on Earth what are the chances that Ballmer would be on it?
I guess Balmer fails to realize that Microsoft continually fails at attempts to create new products lines with longevity and that their structuring (i.e. mass of employees) seems to be the primary culprit.
MSFT's Azure infrastructure is based on Linux. That's telling and a big FAIL on their OS prowess.

Who told you this? Azure is not Linux. There are Linux and open source options available in Azure but Azure's OS was developed by Microsoft.
Funny you say this.

The more shitty half-assed apps I try for my phone, the more I ssh into a real PC to get shit done. I just wish * was easier to get to on my phone's keyboard. I have a :) emoji key, but I have to go thru 2 alternate keyboard layers to get *.
I'm using that HTPC with Mint 17.2 and so far my problems are Mitsubishi DLP overscan which can only be corrected by using Catalyst drivers, which I rather use open source but oh well. Also sound output is stuck on stereo and can't switch it to 5.1, as I haven't figured out a solution to this with my Asus Xonar.

Really wish I was using open source but nobody has a good solution to fixing overscan. Also I hate my TV and yes there's no ability to disable overscan.