baldurs gate : dark alliance 2


Jul 3, 2004
Me and my friend have been trying to find a solid co-op RPG to play through, this game has some solid reviews and i'm sure we would like it, but every copy i can find is $40+ or so on ebay. Is this game worth that price? Anyone know of any other good co-op games?
i played both the first and second baulders gate...

Neither was as good a game as the Dungeon and Dragon Heroes game for co-op on xbox.
Dark Alliance 1 is more fun because you don't share money which makes the game more frantic as you're constantly trying to get money before your friend does while trying to keep alive. Also watching your friend hack at a huge enemy and then running over and stealing the loot when he kills the enemy is fun but is likely to get your friends blood boiling. Although eventually it's best to give money to your friend (or receive if you're the poor one) so he can get good weapons. It's an awesome co-op game. Not worth a buy though, hire it for the weekend.

Me and 2 other friends didn't like Dungeon and Dragon Heroes when we hired it.
I heard Fallout (console) was simliar on PS2 to Baldur's gate.

Was it good anyone? :D