Bad Axe 2 - Best CPU Cooler Fit?


Feb 20, 2006

I'm trying to decide on a CPU cooler for my E6600 and Bad Axe 2 mobo. I have not ordered anything yet and want to make sure I don't get a cooler that will have problems mounting on the board. While I haven't heard of any issues with the Bad Axe 2 (yet) I have read a lot about many different kinds of CPU coolers not fitting on the 680i boards due to thermoresistors or whatever being in the way. People have had to modify their new cooler backplates with a dremmel and all sorts of strange modifications. I don't want to have to do that on my new rig so thus the question. :)

I am trying to find a Tuniq Tower, but also am looking at a Zalman 9500. Will either of these fit OK?


Just put mine together last night with the Tuniq, works great. How can I control the CPU fan speed on the BadAxe2? I tried to mount that one fan controller that comes with the Tuniq. Is that thing supposed to mount where the expansion slot brackets are because the wheel doesn't even come close to fitting through.
Just put mine together last night with the Tuniq, works great. How can I control the CPU fan speed on the BadAxe2? I tried to mount that one fan controller that comes with the Tuniq. Is that thing supposed to mount where the expansion slot brackets are because the wheel doesn't even come close to fitting through.

It fits perfectly, you just have to take the wheel off first. :p
the Zalman 9500 fits fine, I have it on mine. I'm also certain that the 9700 fits as well.
Go ahead with the Tuniq, check any temp benchmark, you'll see it win out over the Zalman.

And yes, I have a BX2 and a Tuniq, both installed without a hitch.

Just make sure you direct the Tuniq's fan towards your case's rear outtake so it creates an outward-going windtunnel.
Just put mine together last night with the Tuniq, works great. How can I control the CPU fan speed on the BadAxe2? I tried to mount that one fan controller that comes with the Tuniq. Is that thing supposed to mount where the expansion slot brackets are because the wheel doesn't even come close to fitting through.

You can remove the knob, install it in one of the expansion slots in the back, and then put the knob back on.
fits fine
Hey, what sort of fan do you have on the Northbridge? I'm thinking I could use one of those.
Thanks, definately good idea I think with no stock-type CPU cooler breeze if you are running a cooling tower of some sort.
Sorry to revive this older thread, but when the Tuniq is installed on the Badaxe2 with the fan directed toward the rear exhaust fan, does the heatsink overhang the top edge of the motherboard at all? In the photo above, it looks to be fairly flush with the motherboard edge.

I'm trying to determine if a Tuniq would fit on a Badaxe2 in a Lian-Li V1200 case with the fan directed towards the rear exhaust. If the heatsink does not overhang the top of the motherboard (bottom, as inverted in a V1200), the Tuniq will fit in my case! Yahooo!
Anyone who has installed a 9700 onto a badaxe 2, did you have to dremel out space to compensate for any obstructions sticking out on the back? I'm afraid to take my computer apart again and try to isntall my $80 heatsink after going through such a nightmare of getting the PC to run.